Rules Conundrum – Blood God Edition

daemonkin walpaper

Checkout the latest thing to make you go hmmmm, this time for the Daemonkin!

Blog for the Blood God noticed this interesting take on the Blood for the Blood God rule.

There are two ways to generate blood tithe points in the new Khorne Daemonkin codex. Take a close look at the second point… it states

“if a character with Blood for the blood god! Special rule is slain, or slays an enemy character in a challenge”

Would you say:

A: it does not matter how the character with the blood for the blood god rule is slain, the challenge condition is only relevant when he slays an enemy character


B: the character with the blood for the blood god rule must be in a challenge when slain, killing him in shooting for example would not generate an additional blood tithe point.

I’m not sure if this is a result of the difference in UK versus American English, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

So what do you think, is this challenge only OR anytime a character dies?