Rules Previews For GW’s New OCT Pre-Orders

Death Guard Wal HorThis weeks pre-orders have been spotted! Today we’ere going to take a look at the new, and possibly last, Death Guard releases and their rules.

We got a look at this week’s pre-orders yesterday, and it looks like we’re seeing the last of the Death Guard releases, unless GW has something else up their sleeve. So, let’s take a look at this week’s Death Guard minis and their rules.

Biologus Putrifier $25

Death Guard Biologus Putrifier

The Biologus Putrifier is finally here, joining the choice of Elites for the Death Guard. He increases blight grenades Strength and Damage by one when nearby and adds the ability to deal mortal wounds with those grenades. Given the Blight Bombardment Stratagem that allows Death Guard units to throw a grenade in Overwatch for 1CP, that is a pretty epic ability.

Plague Marines $50 (Box of 7)

Death Guard Plague Marines

The new 7 man Plague Marines kit adds more range to battlefield rolls with bubotic axes, plague knives, and the epic plaguespewer. These marines come in a seven man squad (for the honor of Nurgle) and can be brought up to ten-man count with the Easy to Builds and Plague Brethren. There are other ways to customize the squad, including building an icon bearer and champion.

Plague Marines have a 5″ Move, WS/BS 3+, Strength 4, Toughness 5, 1 Wound, 1 Attack, Leadership 7, and a 3+. They also come with the following abilities: Death to the False Emperor, Disgustingly Resilient, Icon of Despair, and Vectors of Death and Disease.

Plague Marine Icon Bearer $25

Death Guard Icon BearerThe Icon Bearer has the same characteristics of a standard Plague Marine. But, it does make use of the Icon of Despair ability: Units that are within 6″ of any enemy units with an Icon of Despair must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic.

Plague Marine Champion $25

Death Guard Champion The Plague Champion will have its own model, and a lot more sass! It comes complete with a little nurgling assistant, to add much more character to the squads. With the amount of character that nurgling is showing, how could your armies not improve by having him in attendance? Really, we know who is truly in charge with that little pose.

Once again, it’s going to have the same characteristics as the standard Plague Marine, but the Champion gets a Leadership 8 and 2 Attacks. He may also take a power fist, replace his plague knife with a plaguesword, or replace his boltgun with a bolt pistol, a plasma pistol, or a plasma gun.

These new models are a great end to the Death Guard releases. We’re finally getting the Biologus Putrifier which is going to give Plague Marines access to that amazing Overwatch grenade Stratagem. We’re also getting an Icon Bearer to help put fear in your opponents eyes, and a Plague Champion and his nurgling, who probably the most sass in all the Death Guard. Hands on hips means business!

sidekicks death guard pokemon

I for one welcome our new sidekick overlords.

Make sure you check back in with us later this week for even more pictures and full descriptions of all of these new releases.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular?

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