GW New Warhammer Rumor Engine: Bucket Load of Skulls

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horGWs latest rumor engine preview is obviously a brazier of skulls, but what faction will it be for, and why do they have a bucket of them?

Bucket Load of Skulls: GW Rumor Engine

Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see what Games Workshop has in store when it’s finally revealed. Let’s check out what it could be and try to guess until then!  Here’s the latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. As usual, there are some interesting possibilities for what it could be! 

08-06-2024 rumor engine

Looking at this bit it’s pretty clear what it is, but that doesn’t help place it! This is a super generic one, making it hard to pinpoint. It seems to fit best for Death in AoS, but really it could be any faction, and even 40k too!

ossiarch bone reapers

If there’s one faction that puts extra bones to good use, it’s the Ossiarch Bonereapers! Just count the extra legs on that trebuchet! All jokes aside, you’re guess is as good as ours! Anything from 40k to AoS and terrain to characters is possible with this one.  Still, though… who knows? Curve balls happen, and specialist games usually get some super unique models. We will have to wait and see!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this new GW Rumor Engine be a new Death faction miniature, or is it something else?