Rumor Engine: Can I Have a Sword With You?


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It’s that time of the week again and that means another rumor is here. Let’s take a big look and think about what’s next on GWs release calendar.

After the release of last weeks photo, Warhammer Community gave us this snapshot of what’s to come.

rumor engine sword

Games Workshop is notorious for flipping and reversing pictures but at a first glance, this looks like a blade. But that may be exactly what they want you to think. Could this actually be a horn of a Daemon Prince? Could it be the spike of a shoulder plate similar to Death Guard Plague Marines?

Take your time on this one, let’s get this one right and prove to Games Workshop that we are on top of things.

Let us know what you think over on Facebook, and see you next week in the new Tuesday time slot for another game of ‘What am I looking at?!

cartoon ear whisper rumor

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