RUMOR: Guilliman Primarch Rules Revealed?

By James Rodriguez | February 8th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Roboute-Guilliman hor black

A new rumor has just appeared leaking new rules for Guilliman. Come take a look at what one of our readers has just found out and shared!

Now before reading, these are rumors, and have not been confirmed, nor does he say his source of information.


No but seriously… add extra salt:

Courtesy of Pellicane Richard Ryan:

Guilliman leaked rules.
Army wide change to doctrines
Reroll to wound. With the reroll to hit.
All friendly ultramarines can choose to pass or fail leadership’s.
Leadership can not be modified.
Same stat block as 30k.
Makes sternguard troops.
Eternal warrior. Fear, fearless, extremely bulky, feel no pain, same regen as cawl.


If these are true they will make for some very interesting choices on the tabletop. Being able to re-roll both hit and wound rolls is huge! Leadership’s can not be modified, but all friendly Ultramarines will have the choice to pass or fail leadership test.

It also appears he’ll be getting a nice list of Special Rules to go along with his new look, while getting the ability to make Sternguard troops.

This is just a rumor, so make sure you add salt!

Is this making Guilliman a little over powered? Or is this exactly what we’ve come to expect from Games Workshop? Either how, hopefully we found out more soon. Until then we would like to hear your thoughts, leave them in the comments below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth

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More about Guilliman