RUMORS: Mysterious Marine Model Spotted?

By James Rodriguez | December 11th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Did Games Workshop give us another Easter egg? Come take a look at the mysterious marine model that was spotted in one of their latest videos.

The Dark Angels codex trailer may have given us yet another Easter egg from Games Workshop. Miniwars spotted this mysterious model that popped up in the corner for a split second.

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mistery mini

A family-designed plasma weapon, a kind of retrorreactor, something that looks like a harness grenade launcher, and legs the same size-or more-as a primaris. The shoulder pad does not give many clues about its origin.

Games Workshop is known for hiding new miniatures in their videos, or Easter eggs as we like to refer to them. Could this be another Easter egg hidden in plain sight? We can’t make out the shoulder pads so there’s no way of telling what faction it could belong to, and the model itself is pretty blurry so it’s a little tough to make out the details of the armor. One thing we can make out is the plasma rifle that it’s carrying.

The original video is showing the Dark Angels facing off against Chaos, so it may be safe to assume this model also belongs to Chaos. Check out the latest teaser for yourself and see if you can’t find anything we didn’t notice.

Did you see any other hidden minis in the video? What are your thoughts about the mysterious model in the corner? What could it be? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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