RUMOR: Adeptus Titanicus Release Coming This Year?

titanicus hor walAdeptus Titanicus is seeing yet another release date rumor, this time it’s claiming to be later this year. But can we believe it? Come take a look and decide for yourself.

Adeptus Titanicus is one of the most anticipated games, and it seems like we’ve been waiting forever for the release. Well, we might not have to wait much longer according to the latest rumor that was spotted over on BoLS is making a claim that it will be coming out later this year.

However, this is just a rumor, so make sure you add salt to taste:

needs more salt

Finally, some rumors have shaken loose from the tree and industry insiders tell BoLS:

Look for the product to finally reach the market in Q3 of this year.

So, there you have it, Adeptus Titanicus Q3… That is if the rumor is true. This isn’t the first rumor surrounding Adeptus Titanicus, and it’s sure not going to be the last. This game has been in the making for quite some time now, and it seems the release gets pushed back even further every time we turn around.

The last update we got was during an ‘ask me anything‘ session with James Hewitt.

The top question on James Hewitt’s ask me anything Reddit thread was pertaining to Adeptus Titanicus and gave us a lot of insight on what’s taking so long.

Adeptus Titanicus

So it looks like the success of Blood Bowl pushed the release date of Adeptus Titanicus back a little once Games Workshop noticed how popular plastic was over resin. According to James Hewitt, they went back to the drawing board and decided to make the miniatures for Adeptus Titanicus completely out of plastic.

Of course, making everything out of plastic now is going to take some extra time to retool all of the models and cast them.

He was not able to provide a timeframe for the release and simply said maybe soon.

We got a lot of previews during the 2016 Horus Heresy Weekender including a preview of the Adeptus Titanicus book, and some commentary by James Hewitt as well:

The Frontis (First Page):

Adeptus Mech

Titan Schematic:

Adeptus Mech

Getting Started:

Adeptus Mech

We had a chat with James Hewitt after the Adeptus Titanicus seminar this morning and got ahold of some cool images from the upcoming book.

James: While the game was clearly inspired by previous editions of Titanicus, as well as Epic, it’s very much it’s own new thing. We tried to make it so that it has lots of detail, but still plays quickly. The overall gist is that it puts you in the command throne of an individual Titan, so you are directing the action as shields and limbs take damage and crew succumb to the rigors of battle.

Adeptus Titanicus was even supposed to be getting a Black Book release in 2017, but that didn’t happen. According to J Martin who talked with Andy Hoare the game is done.

For now, this is all we know about when we’ll actually be able to see Adeptus Titanicus on the shelves.

So what do you think? Are we going to be seeing the release of Adeptus Titanicus in Q3 this year?

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