RUMORS: 2 New Craftworld Rules Spotted

By James Rodriguez | October 19th, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Eldar Cover Wal HorCould these be the rest of the week’s GW previews? There’s a new image floating around with rules for five different factions from Eldar, three of which we’ve seen already. 

The latest rumor was first seen over on Faeit, and it’s showing us the rules for five different factions in one image. We’ve already seen three of them from GW, but the other two have yet to be seen.

This is a rumor, and it is from Faeit, add salt to taste.

salt pile


Eldar Rules Rumor

The top right appears to be Alaitoc, and if it’s true their ability will force enemy units to subtract 1 from their hit rolls if they’re more than 12″ away. The bottom right is the other new one we have seen yet, and it looks to be Saim Hann. It states Jetbikes will be able to reroll failed charges and they will also ignore the -1 penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons.

Today’s GW preview is on Saim Hann, and they did say the Jetbikes will be seeing updated rules, so we’ll find out soon enough how true this new rumor is. But, for now, it is a rumor make sure you take it with heavy salt.

What do you think about the latest rumor? Are you happy with the rules we’ve seen so far? Let us know in the comments below.

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