2023 Warhammer 40k Christmas Battleforce Contents, Value Guide

christmas-battleforces-warhammer-40k-games-workshop-age-of-sigmar-wal-hor-titleHere’s all the new Warhammer 40k and AoS Christmas 2023 boxes with the latest values and pricing in our updated Battleforces review guide for Orks, Tau, and more.

Updated November 15th, 2024, by Rob Baer with the new 2024 Christmas Battleforce release lineup! 

‘Tis the season for savings! For 2023, Games Workshop has delivered some serious holiday cheer with an impressive lineup of new Warhammer Christmas Holiday Battleforce boxes.

For Warhammer 40,000, you can find options for the Leagues of Votann, Orks, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tyranids, and World Eaters. For Age of Sigmar, the lineup includes Seraphon, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Slaves to Darkness, and Soulblight Gravelords.

Whether you’re into ancient space dwarves, rampaging Orks, or a lizard-led apocalypse, these Battleforce boxes are packed with minis and plenty of value. Let’s see if these holiday bundles are worth stuffing into your stocking (or gaming table)! 

2023 Pricing & Values

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces

Before we get into each box, let’s start with the prices of the Warhammer 40k Christmas Holiday Battleforce boxes for 2023. In 2022, the boxes all went for $230, and while we’ve had some price increases this year, GW kept the price the same this time, which is just great!  While the AoS boxes increased slightly, they only went up to $220.

Each box is priced at around $230 for 40k and $220 for AoS, but with some of these sets packing up to $355 worth of models, you’re looking at savings of up to $125.

This Week in Warhammer – Prepare for a Warhammer Christmas

Warhammer 40k Battleforces Lineup:

In 2023, there are six Warhammer Christmas Holiday Battleforce box sets, which stayed the same from 2022. Here is the breakdown of which factions got box sets and their values!

  • Leagues of Votann
  • Orks
  • Imperial Guard
  • Space Marines
  • Tyranids
  • World Eaters 

Defenders of the Ancestors – Leagues of Votann Battleforce Box Set $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 2

The first of the 40k Christmas Battleforce Boxes for 2023, The Leagues of Votann are all about keeping their Ancestor Cores safe, and they don’t mess around when threats appear. Picture a rock-solid squad of 10 Einhyr Hearthguard, led by an Einhyr Champion, crammed into a heavily-armed Hekaton Land Fortress.

They’ve got the smarts of a Grimnyr living ancestor guiding them while a Sagitaur ATV zips around, providing extra firepower. When it comes to defense, these guys bring out the big guns, literally.

Grab Your Leagues of Votann Battleforce Defenders of the Ancestors Here!

Sagitaurs have been hard to get, Land Fortresses are great, and Hearthguard is probably the best unit in the army, so this is a fantastic box!

leagues of votann defenders of the anscestors battleforce

Models Unit Name Value
1 Grimnyr   $45
10 Einhyr Hearthguard $125 ($62.50)
1 Sagitaur $65
1 Hekaton Land Fortress $118
Leagues of Votann Defenders of the Ancients Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $353
  Savings Versus Box Price: $123

Beast Snagga Stampede – Orks Christmas Battleforce Box Set $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 3As snowflakes fall and friends swap gifts, who better to loot a stash of presents than the Beast Snaggas? These green-skinned big game hunters are always ready for a scrap, led by the legendary Mozrog Skragbad—who can also be built as a regular Beastboss on Squigosaur if that’s more your style.

He leads three Squighog Boyz and a Nob on Smasha Squig into battle. They’ve got a Painboss medic and a mob of 10 Beast Snagga Boyz, all piling into a psyker-strapped Kill Rig. This bad boy can also be built as a Hunta Rig with a psychic Wurrboy on foot, ensuring they can keep up with the cavalry for a merry winter brawl.

Grab Your Orks Beast Snagga Stampede Battleforce Here!

If you want a bunch of Beast Snaggas, this box is for you! Buff up your forces or start a new army; this is a great pickup for people who love Beast Snaggas and Warhammer 40k Christmas Holiday Orks Battleforce Boxes in general.

Be sure to read our article on the new Orks Stompa Boyz Battleforce, which was released in 2024 and even includes a Stompa model! 

orks beast snagga stampeed battleforce

Models Unit Name Value
1 Kill Rig  $145
10 Beast Snagga Boyz $60
4 Squighog Boyz $65
1 Beastboss on Squigosaur $60
Orks Beast Snagga Stampede Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $330
  Savings Versus Box Price: $100

Cadian Defence Force – Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) Christmas Battleforce Box Set $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 4

Guardsmen with lasguns and big, rumbling tanks – what more could an Astra Militarum fan dream of? The Cadian Defence Force is a quintessential display of humanity’s strength, bringing together 20 Cadian Shock Troops and a five-model Cadian Command Squad with two massive Rogal Dorn battle tanks.

This formidable wall of firepower is enough to make even the boldest Black Crusaders reconsider their life choices.

Grab Your Astra Militarum Cadian Defence Force Battleforce Here!

There was some back and forth on this box since it was spotted early. However, the Rogal Dorn tanks are pretty awesome, and this box can help you make the tech switch to the new tanks. Or, if you’re just starting an army, this Astar Militarum Battleforce is a great place to do it.

cadian defense force battleforce


Models Unit Name Value
1 Command Squad  $45
20 Cadian Shock Troopers $104 ($52 for 10)
2 Rogal Dorn Battle Tank $210 ($105 for 1)
Cadian Defence Force Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $359
  Savings Versus Box Price: $129

Spearhead Force Space Marines Christmas Battleforce Box Set: $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 5The speed demons of the new Space Marine releases have quickly assembled a Spearhead Force. This boxed set is packed with 15 of the fresh Jump Pack Intercessors, led by a Captain also sporting a Jump Pack. To keep up with their lightning-fast maneuvers, the set includes a squad of three Outriders and an Invader ATV, providing the mobile fire support needed to back their relentless assault.

Grab Your Space Marines Battleforce Here!

Well, do you want Jump Pack Intercessors? If you do, get this box; if you don’t, then it’s a hard pass!

space marines spearhead battleforce


Models Unit Name Value
1 Jump Assault Captain  $42
15 Jump Assault Intercessors $180 ($60 for 5)
4 Invader-ATV $52
1 Outriders $62.50
Space Marines Spearhead Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $336.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $106.50

Onslaught Swarm – Tyranids Christmas Battleforce Box Set Force $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 6

Drown your enemies in a relentless wave of claws with the Onslaught Swarm, one of the most terrifying collections of Tyranid horrors ever crammed into a box.

A massive Norn Emissary teams up with a Winged Hive Tyrant – which you can also build as a ground-pounding Hive Tyrant or Swarmlord – to lead a swarm of 20 leaping, scything Hormagaunts and ten ravenous Genestealers, plus a pair of Ripper Swarms for good measure.

Grab Your Tyranids Onslaught Swarm Battleforce Here!

This box has a lot of leftovers (sort of) from the Leviathan box, but if you want a Norn Emissary and a Winged Hive Tyrant, this will probably save you a bunch of money.

tyranids onslaught swarm battleforce

Models Unit Name Value
1 Norn Emissary  $118
1 Hive Tyrant $62.50
20 Hormagaunts $104 ($54 for 10)
10 Genestealers $58
Tyranids Onslaught Swarm Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $342.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $112.50

Exalted of the Red Angel – World Eaters Christmas Battleforce Box Set Spearhead Force $230 €180 £140

2023 Warhammer 40k Battleforces 7

Da Red Gobbo is gearing up to fly his squig-sleigh across the sky, bringing presents to everyone. And what’s a better gift than a mountain of skulls and eviscerated corpses?

Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne, is getting festive by gathering his fiercest warriors – 10 Khorne Berzerkers and six Exalted Eightbound, which can also be built as Eightbound – for a global rampage of blood-soaked mayhem. Just remember to leave out the milk and biscuits!

Grab Your World Eaters Exalted of the Red Angel Battleforce Here!

This box is pretty cool if you want Angron! However, if you already grabbed Angron, this box will probably be a pass. So, it may be more geared toward people starting a new army. Either way, grab this and the Combat Patrol, and you’ll have a really solid force to start!

world eaters battleforce

Models Unit Name Value
1 Angron  $170
10 Berzerkers $65
6 Eightbound $125 ($62.50 for 3)
Exalted of the Red Angel Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $360
  Savings Versus Box Price: $130

Do the 2023 Warhammer 40k Christmas Battleforces Have Value?

In short, yes! Even the lower-value boxes still come in at the $100 mark, so it’s pretty hard to beat that! Especially if you can get these from your local store at a little bit of a discount, then your savings just go even higher! The World Eaters Christmas battleforce box reigns supreme at the highest value, but most of the boxes have a decent mix of units

So if you need everything in that box, buy away and save those hobby dollars!

Age of Sigmar Christmas Holiday Battleforces

2023 AoS Christmas Battleforces

This time around, there will only be four Warhammer Christmas Holiday Battleforce boxes (there were seven last year), but not too long ago, we heard that we might not get any for AoS, so this is honestly great to see! Now, let’s jump into the boxes.

  • Seraphon,
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers,
  • Slaves to Darkness
  • Soulblight Gravelords 

Primordial Starhost: Seraphon Battleforce: $220 €175 £135

2023 AoS Christmas Battleforces 2

Unleash a landslide of lizards with the Primordial Starhost. This force, commanded by a Slann Starmaster ensuring the Great Plan is followed, combines heavy hitters and agile skinks. It features a solid block of 10 Saurus Warriors flanked by three Kroxigor – which can also be built as Kroxigor Warspawned – and three Aggradon Lancers.

Supporting them are the Hunters of Huanchi, a warband of chameleon skinks that bombard enemies with poison darts and unleash terrawings to claw and peck.

Grab Your Seraphon Primordial Starhost Battleforce Here!

Models Unit Name Value
1 Slann Starmaster  $89.50
3 Kroxigor $62.50
10 Saurus Warriors $62.50
10 Skinks – Hunters of Huanchi Warcry kit $62.50
3 Aggradon Lancers $62.50
Seraphon Primordial Starhost Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $339.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $119.50

Praetorian Spearhead – Ossiarch Bonereapers Battleforce: $220 €175 £135

2023 AoS Christmas Battleforces 3

The Ossiarch Bonereapers are a relentless crew of soul-constructs on a bone-collecting mission for their boss, Nagash. Leading the Praetorian Spearhead is Arch-Kavalos Zandtos—though you could opt for the standard Liege-Kavalos model if you prefer. His intense dislike for the living fuels his comrades.

Backing him up are five Kavalos Deathriders, 20 Mortek Guard, a hulking Gothizzar Harvester, and four Morghast Archai, who can also be assembled as Morghast Harbingers if that’s more your style.

Grab Your Ossiarch Bonereapers Praetorian Spearhead Battleforce Here!

Models Unit Name Value
1 Arch-Kavalos Zandtos  $60
5 Kavalos Deathriders $62.50
20 Mortek Guard $62.50
1 Gothizzar Harvester $60
4 Morghast Archai $140
Praetorian Spearhead Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $385
  Savings Versus Box Price: $165

Warhorde of Eternus – Slaves to Darkness Battleforce: $220 €175 £135

2023 AoS Christmas Battleforces 4

Archaon commands the Slaves to Darkness with an iron fist of helwrought metal, but Be’lakor has been scheming against him. Enter Eternus, Blade of the First Prince, Be’lakor’s top mortal agent. He leads three Ogroid Theridons, five Chaos Knights, five Chaos Chosen, and 10 Chaos Warriors.

But wait, there’s a twist! If you build Eternus as a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount, he’s supposedly loyal to Archaon. Or is he? Honestly, it’s a bit of a soap opera, and we’ve lost track of who’s double-crossing who.

Grab Your Slaves to Darkness Warhorde of Eternus Battleforce Here!

Models Unit Name Value
1 Eternus, Blade of the First Prince  $62.50
3 Ogroid Theridons $65
5 Chaos Knights $65
5 Chaos Chosen $62.50
10 Chaos Warriors $62.50
Warhorde of Eternus Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $317.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $97.50

Vengorian Court – Soulblight Gravelords Battleforce: $220 €175 £135

2023 AoS Christmas Battleforces 5

In the Mortal Realms, few beasts feast with as much bloody gusto as the monstrous Vengorian Lords. These savage vampires may have ditched their noble airs, but they still command undead legions like pros.

The Vengorian Court is packed with five Blood Knights, 20 Deathrattle Skeletons, 10 Dire Wolves, three Fell Bats, and a Vengorian Lord—who can alternatively be constructed as the legendary Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares. Talk about versatile terror!

Grab Your Soulblight Gravelords Vengorian Courts Battleforce Here!

Models Unit Name Value
5 Blood Knights  $70
20 Deathrattle Skeletons $62.50
10 Dire Wolves $60
5 Fell Bats $60
10 Vengorian Lord $70
Vengorian Courts Battleforce
  Total MSRP:  $322.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $102.50

Do the 2023 Age of Sigmar Christmas Holiday Battleforces Boxes Have Value?

In short, yes! Even the lower-value boxes still come in around the $100 mark, so it’s pretty hard to beat that! If you can get these from your local store at a little bit of a discount, your savings will go even higher. However, considering, on average, they have less value than the 40k ones, these run for $10 cheaper than the 40k ones.

The Bonereapers box reigns supreme at the highest value (for both AoS and 40k), but most of the boxes have a decent mix of units, and if you need everything in the box, buy away and save those hobby dollars!


There are some pretty great boxes overall, and each army will get a decent number of savings. Orks are looking to come out on top, but the Nids Battleforce boxes for 2023 and the Space Marines box will get a ton of new minis.  It is also good to see GW spread the love to more factions, as there are a lot of different offerings this time over the 2022 lineup.

Where to Buy Yours:

Looking for your next Warhammer haul? Here’s a handy list of spots to snag these Warhammer Christmas boxes for 2023! Just be warned—you may end up buying more than you planned (we’ve all been there). Plus, a heads-up: some of these links help support the site, so every little click helps us keep bringing you more Warhammer goodness.

 Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store

Wrapping up this jolly journey through the festive battlefield of Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar, it’s clear that Games Workshop has put together a lineup that’s as appealing as a freshly baked cookie at a holiday party.

Whether you’re gearing up to deploy the battle-hardened Leagues of Votann, unleash the chaos of the Orks, or strategize with the disciplined Imperial Guard, these Battleforce boxes are the stocking stuffers of your wargaming dreams.

With massive savings and new models to spice up your armies, it’s hard to resist the urge to deck the halls with miniatures instead of mistletoe.

If you want to compare the 40k Christmas battleforces to the value of last year’s boxes, take a look at the articles below!

What do you think about the new Games Workshop boxes of Warhammer 40k and AoS Christmas Holiday Battleforce Boxes pricing and value for 2023?