RUMORS: Adeptus Titanicus Wave 1 Pricing

By Rob Baer | August 6th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Come see the rumored pricing from around the globe, as we attempt o figure out how much hobby dollars Adeptus Titanicus will cost us on release day!

Out of the gate from GW next week is what they’re calling “the chance to experience war on a whole new scale.” It’s been over 25 years since the Titans first walked, and next week Adeptus Titanicus is back!

Hobbyists all over the world are reporting rumored pricing in Pounds and Euros. However as of yet no rumored pricing in the Amercian Dollar

RUMORS: Adeptus Titanicus Wave 1 Pricing

adepts titanicus

These are the rumored (at this writing) prices in pounds for the new Titanicus offerings:

  • Grandmaster: Rrp £175
  • (Works out over £230 If bought separately)
  • Rules pack £35
  • Knights £20 for 3
  • Warlord £65
  • Scenery £25
  • Scenery 3 pack £75

Now if you do a little digging on GW’s UK site and compare these prices to their American counterparts you get the following:

  • Grandmaster Edition Approx: $285
  • Rules Pack $60
  • Knights (3pack)  $40
  • Warlord $110
  • Scenery $41
  • Scenery 3 pack $120

These, however, are NOT the confirmed pricing on Titanicus in USD, just a comparison between the US and UK Games Workshop online stores.

Remember here is what you get with the Grandmaster Edition:

adeptus titanicus

Split a set with a friend and you’ll have a Warlord Titan and a lance of Knights each to battle with – collect one for yourself, and you’ll have a solid core for your own Legio which can easily be expanded in future.

To help commemorate the momentous launch of this new version of Adeptus Titanicus, those who pre-order the Grand Master Edition will receive a special collector’s coin. Stocks are strictly limited, with only 1,000 coins available worldwide – so make sure to pre-order early to avoid disappointment.

From here that appears to be the following:

  • Two Warlords $110 x2
  • 2 pack of Knights $41
  • Rules $60
  • Scenery $41

That works out to about $400 for what looks to be about a $285 set depending on how you compare the pound to dollar pricing on Games Workshop’s site.

So if these prices turn out to be true, we could be looking at a potential savings of around $80, and not the much larger bundle savings we have seen in the past.

However, you can just get a pack of knights, a warlord, and the rules for about $200 out the gate and skip the grandmaster edition. It’s unclear if the starter will pan out to be this much, be sure to check back as we wait for the US pricing to be revealed!

Let us know what you think of these new pre-orders and what you’ll be adding to your collection!

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