RUMORS: Exclusive Duncan Rhodes Classes at LVO 2023

Two-Thin-Coats-Duncan-Paints-KickstarterTop miniatures painters Kenny Boucher, and Duncan Rhodes will have limited painting classes at LVO 2023 and will also be

LVO might have just gotten a lot cooler as we’ve heard Duncan Rhodes will have his first painting class outside of the UK and Kenny from Next Level Painting is actually hosting a huge hobby stream with some big names!

This comes from very reputable industry insiders, so nothing is confirmed quite yet, but we’re already getting pumped!

lvo feature

Let’s check out the rumors, then see how you can grab your own tickets.

Rumors: Duncan Rhodes & Next Level Painting Classes & Hosting Events at LVO 2023

Duncan Rhodes paints feature r

According to industry insiders, something big hobby-wise is happening at LVO 2023…

Let’s check out the Duncan rumors first:

  • Duncan Rhodes will be attending the LVO 2023- well, that’s somewhat obvious by the title, but hey, sounds good to us! 
  • This could be the first time the Duncan Rhoades Painting Academy goes on a  trip outside the UK. If you live in NA and haven’t been able to make the trip to the UK, this is a much cheaper option to learn from him!
  • Duncan is going to be involved in a bunch of stuff at LVO and there will be several classes with limited avaialiblity we’re not sure everything yet but with a bigger focus on the hobby side, this is great news. 
  • He will join the LVO hobby stream (there’s more rumors about the stream below) in the hobby hangout area
  • Duncan has something SUPER SPECIAL planned for one of the nights- we have no idea what it is yet, but we will be covering it!
  • There’s a chance he will be a paint judge and word is, he may be playing in an event- how cool would be to get him as an opponent. 

Painting Nurgle Rhinos Feature rKenny from Next Level Painting will be the second superstar painter who will be offering limited painting classes and hosting events. Here is what we have also heard

  • Kenny will have ONE super limited class where each student gets a Kenny curated swag bag- this is awesome as he has some super awesome merch for sure. We have no idea what he will come up with for the bags, but we know they are going to be next level (wow, what a genius pun…)
  • Kenny is also hosting the first-ever live LVO hobby stream along with some huge names!
  • It will be streamed live from the hobby hangout area at LVO- Kenny is also quite a friendly guy and we expect him to interact with people there.

Now, let’s see how to get your tickets to LVO 2023, while we wait to see when these exclusive paint classes will go on sale as well!

Warhammer 40,000 Championships: $175

LVO 2023

This upcoming LVO will be bigger and better than ever before! Frontline Gaming has partnered with the best folks in the world of tabletop wargaming to bring you an epic event that kicks off on Thursday night with early access, exhibitor hall previews, and special workshops.


LVO 2023 2

The Long War crew is bringing you their signature Long War Doubles 40k Tournament at the Cherokee Open! This event provides you the opportunity to play in a fun tournament on Sunday with a friend.


LVO 2023 3

The tournaments and classes begin Friday and run through Sunday. From the largest 40K tournament in the world, to intricate narrative campaigns, historical wargaming, skirmish games and demos of new game systems, there is something for everyone! And if you want to work on your hobby skills, the LVO will be bringing some of the most famous painters and accomplished hobbyists to teach classes. There is also a full exhibitor hall where you can buy the coolest minis, paints, tools, and accessories and get sneak peeks of new things to come.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Tournament: $40

LVO 2023 4The tournament last year was awesome, so we expect this to grow even more in 2023!

STAR WARS X-Wing: $40

LVO 2023 5

There will actually be three flights this time around, so expect quite a large turnout!  That does it for this one, now go grab some tickets if you want to join the fun!

Click Here for Your Event Tickets!