RUMORS – Genestealer & Deathwatch Rules For 40k?

By Rob Baer | February 21st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

genestealer deathwatch

Looks like Deathwatch will be coming to the 40k scene soon that later! Come see the latest on new rules for the Overkill miniatures!

Sources close to BoLS tell us:


  • There will be no 40K Codices for the Deathwatch or Genestealer Cult … at this time
  • Look for Rules for both Deathwatch and Genestealer Cult to appear via White Dwarf very shortly (1-2 weeks)
  • Look for Formations and more with rules that will get the models from the boxed game onto the tabletop quickly and easily.

Secondary source from Twitter says: 

“WD contains 40k rules for all members of the #deathwatch kill team! Plus all board game rules. Next week: 40k rules for the cult!”

White Dwarf 109 Cover spotted:


“Translation: Removable rules pages for Deathwatch in Warhammer 40,000″


Looks like this is happening, and to be honest Games Workshop doesn’t put out any miniatures without rules. From the collectors set to the new clampack characters that are all “named” or even introduced with rules (hello – Tau ethereal) so this turn of events seems plasuable.

Keep it here for the latest all weekend long!

Deathwatch: OVERKILL Roundup

~ More as it comes in.

Curse of The Wulfen: Top 5 Formations Revealed – Long War Episode 38