RUMORS: GW Christmas Holiday Battleforces Lineup & Pricing

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Get ready to save some hobby dollars soon! Don’t miss the latest rumors of 10 battleforce bundles that may be coming for Warhammer 40k and AoS!

Coming from various sources around the web, there is a new batch of hefty rumors revolving around new Box Sets and even painting bundles. If you don’t remember from lay year’s holiday release wave, we saw all kinds of Box Sets and painting bundles around November.  Now let’s dig into the latest rumors.

Rumors of AoS, 40k, & Painting Bundles Emerge

WH40K Battleforces Post

2017’s 40k Battleforce Lineup

Spotted first on a French forum called Warhammer Forum- Battleforce Noel, a user named Endloril had this to say: (Keep in mind this has been translated from French to English already).


For this Christmas period we will be entitled to the following Battleforce :

There will be 10 different Battelforce at 145 euros / piece

4 for AOS :

Nighthaunt, Skavens, Stormcast, Goblins
6 for 40k :

T’au, Drukhari, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Chaos, Tyranids

In addition, we should see happen :

A box with 5 painting handles
A box with a handle under layer for under bed 50 figurines

Breaking this down, it looks like AoS is getting some nice treatment with particular love to Gobbos, Skaven, and Nighthaunt. These are some of the newer factions that could use some fluffing up. As for Stormcast, it’s AoS’s posterchild so there’s no real surprise that they’d be getting a Box Set.

Moving to 40k, it looks like GW is giving particular attention to some of the factions that could use an update in 8th edition. All of these factions (especially BA an SW in the wake of all the Marine support) are lacking in terms of fresh rules. Could GW be hyping these factions up soon because they’re next in line to get a rules refresh?

And finally, with the rumors of painting bundles or (handles), a box that also held miniatures underneath was specifically mentioned. Last year, we saw these large suitcases with special holders to keep hobby tools and paint pots secure. However, this year’s appeal may be more on a hobby-go case keeping your paints and minis all in one package.

Even More Light Shed on These Rumors

dark aposotle chaos marine hor wal

While the first batch of rumors is already hefty enough, another source chimed in and had this to say. Coming from Chapter Master Valrak on Bolter & Chainsword

Also for some more info, my source said:

CSM Boxset including havocs and a transport (can’t say if it’s a rhino or land raider)

 Start collecting Primaris marines and the new start collecting Chaos Marines

When it comes to the Xenos ones he stated:

Dark Eldar and either Tau or Necrons

For the larger Box Sets, Valrak mentioned there possibly being some kind of transport (probable Land Raider or Rhino). And in light of the Xenos Box Sets, two of the three factions were mentioned above. Necrons are a change here. Plus, it looks like there’s been a fresh mention of a Start Collecting: Primaris Marines and Chaos Marines, which we both know is severely overdue.

Full Lineup & Pricing

Now it looks like the holiday release lineup may have been spoiled, with rumored names and pricing of the 10 Battleforces:

Slated for December 7th 2019, these Battleforces are priced at 145€ which would make them $180-$190 in USD the way GW’s pricing scheme seems to work in regards to their currency arbitrage (145€ actually converts to $160 normally).

gw holiday battleforces christmas

10 battleforces as rumored from the sheet of holiday releases that is circulating, plus a bonus Titanicus knight battleforce as well!  Plus the start collectings above were mentioned as well.


With all of this getting the spotlight, what do you think could be lying in wait for the months ahead? Which Box Set would you like to see most?

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