RUMORS: Indomitus MTO Orders Shipping Has Begun

GW-Made-to-order-indomitusAfter Games Workshop set Indomitus to MTO, everyone rejoiced, and from the looks of it, shipping may have begun for the orders finally!

After some upsetting outcomes with the original Indomitus release, GW fixed the issue by making it MTO. GW is setting things right and you have to applaud their positive actions to keep the community happy. As has rumored to have begun, let’s take a look at what we know, the past, and the future regarding this release.

Good Guy GW Fixes Idomitus Orders: Box Set Now MTO

If you’re curious about everything that happened in the past, you can read it all in detail here. But moving on, here’s what we took from the announcement good guy GW making sure all of their fans are happy.

From Warhammer Community in July 2020:

…we’ve heard quite a few of you had a frantic weekend of trying to secure yourself a copy – that wasn’t the plan, and we’re going to put it right.

Today, we’re going to be making Indomitus available as a Made to Order item for a limited time. If you missed out on the pre-order and/or aren’t able to make it to a store for launch day, you’ll still be able to secure a copy.

These will be limited to one per customer order, and we will be making them as fast as we can. We don’t have an exact delivery date just now, but it might be up to 120 days before you receive your copy.

Total Indomitus Value

The box set directly from GW was $200. Which, all in all, was a very small fraction of our projected value in the box. In fact, there was so much value in it, that that’s probably why GW had to intervene and make it MTO in the first place!

Let’s check out the numbers.

Indomitus box armiesSo here are the overall contents for the Idomitus Box. We’ll be breaking it down by faction starting with Necrons first.

  • Skorpekh Lord $35
  • 3x Skorpekh Destroyers $55
  • Overlord $25
  • Royal Warden $25
  • Plasmancer and 2x Cryptothralls $35
  • Canoptek Reanimator $20
  • 20x Warriors $90 (2x $45)

Total Value Around $285

Indomitus Primaris CaptainNow let’s go into the Primaris Space Marine side of things…

  • Primaris Bladeguard Ancient $25 
  • Judiciar $25
  • 3x Eradicators $50
  • Chaplain $25
  • 3x Primaris Bladeguard Veterans $50
  • Primaris Lieutenant $35
  • Primaris Captain $35
  • 10x Assault Marines $60
  • 3x Outrider Bikers $60

Total Value: $365? (This number is probably slightly more accurate because the Primaris aren’t getting completely reworked like Necrons). 

Total Estimated Value of Both Halves: $650 +Rulebook ($60)?

Total Projected Value: $710

($355.50 split between both factions)

All of this value is going to soon be in all of the MTO order-ers hands. Not too much longer to wait here.

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RUMORS: Indomitus MTO Orders Shipping Has Begun

indomitus MTOComing up soon, 120 days from the original July 13th announcement is Nov 13, meaning we are just about to hit the maximum date GW said folks would have to wait for thier box. Some people have reported their orders have been updated to show as shipped, but the tracking numbers have not begun working yet.

So GW may be staging orders to hit the mail soon. Also, it looks like next Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans Day (observed) in the US so most shipping will be shutdown mid-week looks like. 

This is a good sign that GW might be getting ahead of the curve and getting the orders ready early to beat Veterans day and the weekend perhaps.

With all of this, did you place an MTO order for an Indomitus Box? What’s your favorite kit out of the set?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!