RUMORS: Lion El’Johnson Primarch Miniature & Rules

40k-primarch-newRumors have been flying for years, but here’s why Dark Angels Primarch Lion El’Jonson could return to Warhammer 40k and his possible rules!

A few years ago the internet was buzzing with the possible return ahead of the new Dark Angels codex. However, with recent rumors that pretty much all the Space Marine Chapters will be getting a reboot somewhat soon, this has us thinking about the Primarch once again.

While the rumored rules are a little bit old, they still hold up fairly well with even the mighty Bobby G. GW also put a little paragraph in the codex about the fact he could return anytime the need was greatest, and maybe that time is now! Let’s check out the rumors.

RUMORS: Lion El’Jonson in 40k & Possible Rules

The first bit of speculation came from this codex excerpt in the Dark Angels book back in 8th Edition, which speaks about the Lion being fully healed.

Image via Chapter Master Valrak.

Lion Return

The last paragraph states “His wounds long healed, he awaits a time when he is most needed” speaking about Lion El’ Johnson. It goes on to say that he’s waiting for the call when he will need to lead his sons to defend the Imperium of Mankind, which definitely leaves room for speculation on whether or not he will be making a return here soon.

This is about as direct as GW gets when it comes to putting new models into the game. This is from a while ago, but recently, there have been brand new rumors about him.

A New Warhammer 40k Primarch Model:

Whew, so we know the loyalists are outgunned on the primarch side of things, but it looks like the Lion may make a return to Warhammer 40k according to these 10th Edition rumors.

Lion El Johnson Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Current Forge World Model For Lion El’Jonson

The confusion is that the generic marines are painted as blood angels as they’re going to poster boy the launch, along with Dark Angels and both will see large Primaris-centric updates (including a lion model). It’s going to be a launch focussed on imperium nihilus with “angels of death” codex nostalgia

Edit: typo

Edit 2: Obviously I know Demons exist, I just personally haven’t seen anything specific about their release. They’ll probably be out before space marine 2.0

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Now, let’s look at the rumored rules we saw for him a while ago and compare them to Bobby G.

RUMORED Lion El’Jonson 40k Primarch Rules

Primarch Lion El Jonson Warhammer 40kThese rules rumors were originally misattributed to the codex image above in our final post edits. we apologize for any confusion to our readers.


  • Lion’s Roar (Relic)
  • When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon-
  • Boltgun 24″ Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP0 D1
  • Plasma 24″ AssaultD3 S7 AP-3 D1


  • M 8″
  • WS 2+
  • BS 2+
  • S 6
  • T 6
  • W 9
  • A 7
  • Ld 10
  • Sv 2+


  • Hope Melee Melee S+2 AP -3 D 2 If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts Mortal Wounds instead of its normal damage.
  • Despair 18” AssaultD3 S8 AP -3 D3 If a unit suffers any damage from this weapon, roll a D6 on a 6 the unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds
  • And they shall know no fear
  • Master of the First – If your army is battleforged, you receive an additional 3 CP if Lion El’Jonson is your Warlord.
  • Armour of the Order – Lion El’Jonson has a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, all UNFORGIVEN units within 8” receive a 5+ Invulnerable save.
  • Blade Master – For every unsaved wound Lion El’Jonson causes in the fight phase he can immediately make an additional attack. This ability can only be used once per fight phase.
  • Master Strategist- each time a stratagem is used roll a D6 on a 4+ the CP for that stratagem is not spent
  • I Primarch – You can re-roll any failed hit and wound rolls for friendly UNFORGIVEN units within 6” of Lion El’Jonson

via The Inner Circle Facebook Group

Compared to Roboute Guilliman

Roboute datasheet

Right off the bat, his statline is about the same, but with more attacks. Then, weapon strength is similar, but the ability to make more attacks from unsaved wounds will give Lion even way more attacks than Bobby.

Then, the abilities are much different but they are both super strong. Overall the rules actually look pretty strong and actually possible/ viable in 9th or 10th Edition 40k.

What primarch do you think should come next for Warhammer 40k- Lion El’Jonson or someone else?

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