RUMORS: New McFarlane Dark Tide Action Figure Release Lineup

darktide-video-gameIt looks like we’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg for the McFarlane Dark Tide figure release lineup- check it out!

We have seen better pictures of the first three figures for the lineup. These rumors make it sound like more Chaos, artist proofs, and variants will also be released. As we said in the last post, it looks like the poor traitor is outnumbered, but he’s getting reinforcements!

Let’s first check out the three figures we’ve seen, then jump into the new release lineup!

Rumors: McFarlane Dark Tide Figure Release Lineup

Darktide figuresThese rumors come from Project Action Figure and are usually pretty close with the word on the street:

  • Word Bearer Chaos Space Marine (Gold Label Collection)
  • Dark Tide: Traitor Guard
  • Dark Tide: ARTIST PROOF Traitor Guard (Platinum Edition)
  • Dark Tide: Traitor Guard Variant
  • Dark Tide: Cadian Veteran Guard
  • Dark Tide: ARTIST PROOF Cadian Veteran Guard (Platinum Edition)
  • Dark Tide: Ogryn Megafig
  • Dark Tide: ARTIST PROOF Ogryn Megafig (Platinum Edition)

One really nice thing about all these releases is that there will be plenty of artist proofs; that way if you’re not a fan of the paint jobs, you can just do them yourself! Besides what we’ve seen, the biggest upcoming model is a gold label collection Word Bearer, which could be really cool.

Since it’s a gold label figure, it looks like we might not get an artist proof, but you can still always repaint if you really hate the paint job; it’s just a little harder.

New McFarlane Darktide 40k Action Figures

McFarlane Toys just dropped their summer showcase, and these new Warhammer 40k Dark Tide action figures were center stage!

Darktide action figures 3Starting with the traitor side of things, this figure is pretty awesome! It looks like he’ll be outnumbered to start, as he has to beat a guardsman and an Ogryn!

Darktide action figures 2The Cadian is pretty cool with a giant chainsword!

Darktide action figuresProbably our favorite fig of the group, and from what they were saying (and what the rumors say), it will be a megafig. While it will be a little more expensive, but still way cheaper than any of the competition.

Overall, we’re a fan as the McFarlane stuff is always affordable and just fun to add to your collection!

Get Your McFarlane Figures Here

Are you excited about the lineup? Will you be picking any of them up?

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