RUMORS: More on Daemon Primarch Fulgrim Returning to 40k

emperor's children rumors fulgrim warhammer 40k release date models

New lore about a Daemon Primarch Fulgrim has been spotted, along with Codex Emperor’s Children teasers, this is BIG for Warhammer 40k!

We’ve heard rumors now about a new Daemon Primarch Fulgrim for years and years, and obviously, we still don’t have a model yet.

However, Games Workshop is keeping the hope alive with some new mentions of him in the first Arks of Omen book! Considering the Emperor’s Children are now the only one of the major four chaos powers not to have a full codex, Fulgrim coming back with an awesome model would really be a great way to introduce the codex for the faction.

We’ll start with the latest and then move on to everything else we’ve seen.

RUMORS: New 40k Emperor’s Children Models, Fulgrim Release Date

emperor's children rumors fulgrim warhammer 40k release date models ec

The Warhammer 40k community is currently awash with rumors about the upcoming release for the Emperor’s Children, one of the most iconic Chaos Traitor Legions. While Games Workshop hasn’t officially confirmed anything, whispers about new models, units, and characters have been steadily gaining traction.

From revamped legionnaires to a new Fulgrim model (that could even put Angron to shame in terms of sculpt), the rumored release could bring major updates for the faction. Supposedly, now, the release date for the initial offering of Emperor’s Children is the Spring of 2025, sooner in the release cycle than initially anticipated (by a few months at least)! 

GW Reveals New 40k Emperor’s Children Coming in 2025

Emperor's Children 2025

As it stands, the Emperor’s Children have always been a cornerstone of Chaos Space Marine lore. Known for their devotion to Slaanesh, the Chaos God of excess, this legion has a rich history in the Warhammer 40k universe. But unlike their fellow Chaos legions, such as the World Eaters and Death Guard, they’ve been left without a dedicated codex for some time. Games Workshop has finally revealed that the Emperor’s Children will hit the shelves sometime in 2025, marking a pivotal moment for fans who have longed to see their favorite legion receive a proper update for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

The Emperor’s Children, known for their dedication to Slaanesh, will have their own dedicated codex released by Games Workshop in 2025, exciting news for Warhammer 40k fans awaiting the 10th Edition update.

RUMORS: Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Why GW Is Releasing in Resin First: (September 12th, 2023)

Fulgrim Horus HeresySo, we all know a plastic version is coming. Don’t kid yourself; the writing has been on the wall for years, and the release of the plastic Fulgrom model is probably following another established release pattern from Games Workshop.

So far GW has established a pattern of releasing a new Chaos Legion and Primarch at the end or beginning of an edition. 

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Chaos Legions Release Pattern

magnus walLooking back at the pattern, we can guess most likely when the Emperor’s Children will be released. Thousand Sons were reworked/released in December 2016, right near the end of 7th Edition. Following that up, Death Guard came out the next year, in the Fall of 2017, at the beginning of 8th Edition.

Skipping a few years in between, the World Eaters came out the most recently at the end of 9th Edition (winter 2023) so there were basically, six years from Thousand Sons to World Eaters.  This gave Games Workshop time to drop project primaris, among other things that needed updating.

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Emperor’s Children Release?

fulgrim RUMOR: More Daemon Primarchs On The Way For 40k!

Skipping ahead a little while from now, you can make some interesting inferences:

Chances are Emperor’s Children could be released at the end or beginning of 11th Edition (or possibly at the end of 10th, like WE). This would put the release date in late 2025/early 2026 (as each edition lasts three years). That is of course if Games Workshop does it at the end of 10th/beginning of 11th Edition.

However, if they are slated for the end of 10th Edition, it means we would be more likely to have to wait until 2026 to see the faction reworked. 

It Makes Sense For GW To Release Resin Fulgrim First!

Fulgrim Horus Heresy

With this much space potentially between the release of resin versus plastic, it seems like this is a sales tactic to put distance between the two Fulgrim models. 

This gives Mr. Resin Fulgrim potentially three years of legroom to sell and not very much after that. Most models don’t have a lifespan beyond that, anyway.

Business-wise, it’s smart; the hardcores will buy it (and we’ve seen plenty of people have already said they would), but optics-wise, it’s dumb. During the livestream reveal, you could hear audible boos from the crowd, and it feels bad for a lot of 40k players.

But it allows them to continue on with their Forge World Primarch series with the largest sales obstacle out of the way for the series first.

Fulgrim is Returning to Horus Heresy in Daemonic Form: (August 30th, 2023)

Fulgrim Horus Heresy

During the events of Angel Exterminatus by Graham McNeill, Fulgrim became suffused with the raw power of Slaanesh, and achieved an apotheosis undreamt of by his mortal kin. Though Perturabo struck down his physical body in retaliation for his brother’s betrayal, the lord of the Emperor’s Children merely discarded his mortal corpse and ascended as a Daemon Primarch.

And what a Daemon Primarch he is!

Fulgrim Horus HeresyWhile most people were clambering for this model in 40k, it looks like he’s coming to Horus Heresy first.

Fulgrim Horus Heresy

This miniature is utterly stunning in its detail, from the intricate golden finish of his armour to a face that could have been carved from marble. If you’ve ever wondered how Fulgrim could be described as both breathtakingly beautiful and monstrously serpentine, wonder no more – it’s enough to make you consider a career as a Slaaneshi cultist..


Fulgrim Horus HeresyThe model is quite stunning, and it’s similar to the Horus Ascended model that was released from Forge World as part of their updated Primarchs line.

Fulgrim Horus HeresyFor those wondering, they did hint that he’s coming to 40k at some point, but no idea when. Maybe he’ll get dual rules upon release, but don’t get your hopes too high.

Fulgrim Horus HeresyEither way, this is a fantastic model and should make for one heck of a painting challenge.

Fulgrim Transfigured Rules

HH Fulgrim rules 2

As you may have guessed from the cover, this is also the first place you can find the rules for the monstrous new resin miniature of Fulgrim Transfigured, as well as special rules and rites for particularly corrupted hosts of Emperor’s Children. The fallen Phoenician is a literal daemon in combat, with a range of devastating tricks and attacks, and a suitably weighty points value of 600.

Will you choose Decapitating Slashes, to lay low entire squads of elite warriors? Or shatter war machines and monsters with Sundering Blows – powerful strikes, which are limited to three Attacks apiece by the Wrathful Blows (3) special rule?

He has a pretty decent statline with plenty of WS, Strength, and attacks. Then, his attacks with AP 2 and AP 1 should be able to cut through swathes of warriors or bring down big bad enemies!

Daemon Fulgrim Lore Spotted in Arks of Omen: Will He Return with a Miniature?

The screenshots come from Valrak, and with the big reveal of Angron, Games Workshop making all four of the Daeom Primarchs is on everyone’s minds…

Fulgrim Arks of Omen

The picture comes from the new Arks of Omen Abaddon book, and this is actually the first time in a long time that GW mentioned Fulgrim by name!

That is actually a much bigger hint than many of the previous rumors. We’ve talked a lot about how GW does not like to make any lore or have artwork for models they don’t have a miniature for. By actually mentioning him by name, it actually sets the stage for his return.

This also confirms that Fulgrim is out there doing (mostly bad) things in the Galaxy. Again, there have been rumors of a new Emperor’s Children codex, so adding a Primarch to the line would really make people excited.

We’ll have to see how long it takes (as the rumors say they won’t drop until 10th edition); it would be awesome to see a scaled-up version of the old model.

Previous Fulgrim Rumors

Fulgrim or some sort of creature matching the description of the elevated Daemon Primach Fulgrim leads a traitor host (The Great Cacophony) of ceramite armor against both Guardsmen and Ulthwe Black Guardians back in the Blood of the Phoenix book.

fulgrim screaming serpentIf that description sounds familiar, it may be because you may remember the last (small) Daemon Fulgrim model from the 1990s. Modeled on a 25mm base, this epic-scale mini’s four arms were equipped with three swords and a whip.

Fulgrim daemon primarch model epicEpic Scale Fulgrim miniature on 25mm base (circa 1992)

This is at least the third time we’ve seen Fulgrim, or a creature matching his description, wantonly slaughtering guardsmen in 8th Edition 40k lore:

fulgrim spotted

Another Nod To Emperor’s Children

Fulgrim Is Daemon Primarch Fulgrim Next For 40k?When Chaos got all of its support for Vigilus Ablaze, GW commented that the new Chaos Marine sculpts were 100% compatible with the existing Noise Marine bits. Some fans were upset as they thought GW glazed over the entire Emperor’s Children faction.

However, they could leave a window open for more focused support later. This has been supported by many rumors that they will get their book after the World Eaters.

Currently, there are Death Guard, Thousand Sons, and a new World Eaters codex book.  That only leaves Emperor’s Children to complete the pantheon of renegade Astartes allied to the four Chaos gods. Putting Fulgrim in the book would be the perfect character to lead the EC army!

Let’s look at the possible timeline for everything to come out based on 10th edition launching in 2023:

  • 2016: Magnus & The Thousand Sons
  • 2017: Mortarion & The Death Guard
  • 2023: Angron & The World Eaters
  • 2023-2024: Fulgrim & The Emperor’s Children?

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Do you think we’ll ever see a reworked Daemon Primarch Fulgrim model and a full Emperor’s Children codex? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!