Checkout the latest word on the street about upcoming Tyranids in the 2016 release!
Here’s what the grapevine has told BoLS:
Tyranid Release Window:
These are next up after Horus Heresy
Look for these to appear in early Q1 2016 after the new year
Several new kits including:
– Broodlord (plastic – clampack)
– Genestealer Kit (plastic completely redone)
– XX-vores combo kit (plastic and includes build options for, Biovore, Pyrovore, a new “psychicvore”)
– Termagants Kit (plastic completely redone with “new” weapon options)
– New codex, including:
All Shield of Baal bugs, and the new ones.
There is scattered chatter of a …
wait for it…
– plastic Gargantuan Creature (no further details)
The Tyranid rumorfront has been deader than a doornail for over a year. If you recall the closest we got to the Hivefleets this year was a rumor about Genestealer Cult returning as a small Harlequin sized release back in FEBRUARY by 79Hastings69, who has been right about pretty much everything. Sometimes he’s called things over a year out… so who knows – 2016 may be VERY GOOD for you bug fanatics. With the return of Harlequins and the launch of Adeptus Mechanisus this year – I don’t put anything past GW at this point.
Genestealer Cult Rumor Roundup
~So what gargantuan creature do you most want to see, and do you think the Tyranid codex needs a “Tau-reprint” or a complete teardown-rebuild?
Don’t forget about me – I’ve been around since the 90s!