RUMORS: New 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol & Tau Models on the way!

Chaos-rumors-title-hor-wal-1280-site-warhammer-40k-games-workshop1There are some big rumors about new Tau models alongside their upcoming codex and a brand new 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol box!

Dark Angels have been getting a ton of new models lately, so it only makes sense that they would also get a new Combat Patrol alongside their Codex. Luckily, we have some rumored contents; let’s just hope there is some more value than the most recent boxes…

Then, on the Xenos side, there are some pretty big rumors of new and revamped units for the Tau! However, before we get into the rumors, these are rumors! So take them with as much salt as you need because nothing is confirmed until GW says it.

RUMORS: New 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol & Tau Models on the way!

The latest new 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol & Tau Models rumors come from Valrak.

Dark Angels Combat PatrolThe current Combat Patrol

Let’s start with the new DA box, then jump into the juicy Tau rumors. Here are the rumored contents for the new DA box:

  • 5 Hellblasters 
  • 10 Intercessors
  • 3 Bladeguard 
  • Gravis Captain

The old box really isn’t very exciting, but we’re not sure how much better the new one will be in terms of savings. If the rumors are true, this box will save you about $20-$30, so let’s hope you get a little more than this.

But…. all the recent boxes have been pretty light on value, so we wouldn’t be too surprised by an offering like this. Considering every new army so far has received a new Combat Patrol, this rumor is definitely possible.

Now, onto the Tau rumors.

New Tau Kroot, Character, & Possibly Vespids

New 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol

GW put out a Kroot Kill Team (above), and it sounds like they want to expand on that part of the line. According to the rumors, they will really build the line out with a bunch of new Kroot, some form of mounted models, and even a big gun to go along with it!

Then, there will also be a new character to lead that part of the army. If you love Kroot, this is about as good as you can hope for, with the line getting a total revamp, even including the regular foot troops.

New 40k Dark Angels Combat Patrol

Next up, there are rumors for a new Vespid Kill Team box, but he’s not as sure about this. However, these are pretty old models and could use a rework, and Kill Team is the perfect place to do it!

Lastly, he said to take this with a ton of salt. It is a new launch box with all the new Kroot stuff and two characters, and one is supposed to be a melee-focused Ethereal.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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