RUMORS: New 40k Ork Collectible Coin Spotted!

Ork Feature wal horOrks may be next up for a new 40k codex after Death Guard and Drukhari if this Collectible Coin that was spotted pans out.

The image was posted on the 40k Orks Facebook Group as an eBay listing. While we couldn’t find the actual eBay listing the coin itself looks pretty legit. With Drukhari and Dark Angels being announced as the next codexes it doesn’t seem likely they will jump the line or see a Q1 release. But if this is real it means they will most likely see an early Q2 release!

new-gw-codex-releasesAgain, this could just be a really well done fake, but we hope not! It all lines up though with the possible free Ork mini getting previewed some months back. Also, stores could easily have the coins in stock, because they could have been slated as the February release. But with things getting slowed down so much, and factions moving to once a month, the earliest we will most likely see them is April.

If you want to see all the details on the new release schedule, you can check it out here. But for now, let’s check out the coin!

Rumors: New 40k Ork Collectible Coin Spotted!

Ork Collectible CoinIf this is a fake, someone really did a good job. But it looks legit and basically secures Orks a very early spot in the codex release roadmap. Still, with the slowdown, April looks like the earliest month for the Orks to get a codex. That also makes us wonder how far in advance they send these out to stores, or if they were just prepping Orks for February. The stores could very well have all the coins in stock for all we know and this doesn’t really mean much. Either way, this is fun to speculate on!

Let’s look at the possible free Ork mini coming!

New MKII Design- Get it Now!

Free Ork Mini

Indomitus day ork 1This style of mini lines up perfectly with how the first two free promotions worked and considering they got their codex early into 8th, it would make sense for this to be a promo coming up very soon. ORKS could very well be the 4th/5th free mini. And if this coin is legit, that bodes extremely well for them to be next.

Do you think this coin is legit? Are you excited to see a new Ork Codex coming soon?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!