RUMORS: New 8th Edition FAQ Dropping June 17th?

40k faq headerConfused about 8th Edition rules already? Come see the latest rumors for a Release Day FAQ for how these 10 little pages of rules will really work!

Games Workshop said they will be paying more attention to the community, our questions, and focus on resolving any issues that may arise. Well, it appears they’re standing by that promise. 

Multiple retailers have confirmed that there will be an FAQ released with the launch of 8th edition, take that with a grain of salt on the exact timing but we know they do like to drop Day 1 FAQ’s as we saw with the Primaris Marines.

We’ve seen the rules for the new 8th edition and there’s already a lot of grey areas, as people are already finding a lot of unclear rules, one being the line of sight rule:

Line of Sight

Is a FAQ needed to clear up some confusion and rules interpretation in the new edition? It’s nice to see Games Workshop take a proactive stance with the community, instead of a reactive.

GW recently did an FAQ on the Primaris Space Marines for their Day One reveal. This is what they had to say in case you missed it:

Primaris Space Marines

A whole new type of Space Marines! That might just be the most exciting thing to happen to the Imperium since Roboute Guilliman woke up from his 10,000 year nap and decided to save the galaxy. But what does their arrival mean? How will it affect your collection or army? What modelling options will you have? Read on to find out.

So, what’s a Primaris Space Marine?

These are a brand-new breed of warrior, commissioned by the Primarch Guilliman and developed in secret on Mars for the past 10,000 years by Archmagos Belisarius Cawl.

Again… Roboute appears to be the Primarch of the hour and with Belisarius Cowl added to the mix, imaginations will run wild.

Are all my current Space Marine miniatures redundant now?

No way! Primaris Space Marines do not replace regular (if a superhuman killing machine can be described as ‘regular’) Space Marines. These guys have a few extra genetic enhancements, thanks to Belisarius Cawl, and serve as additional reinforcements in the Adeptus Astartes arsenal, not replacements.

Will there be multiple types of Primaris Space Marines?

You bet. So far you’ve seen the Intercessors, the line infantry clad in Mk X armour, but there are plenty more on the way. And likely vehicles too…

Primaris Space Marines Profile

Great, so they will be special units instead of regular line marines. I think we can all breathe a little easier without facing the prospect of having to replace entire armies. Special vehicles as well?? This teasing is just too much.

Wait, Mk X armour?

Yup, these guys have new armour: combining the best bits of classic Horus Heresy-era plate, with some fancy tech developed more recently.

Can I field a whole army of Primaris Marines?

You totally can. From a background point of view, some Chapters, especially those decimated in the events of the Gathering Storm, now have entire companies of these new warriors. Others have incorporated squads of Primaris Space Marines into existing Battle Companies. And perhaps most excitingly, Guilliman has founded some entirely new Chapters out of these new Space Marines.

I have an <insert favourite Chapter> army. Can I field Primaris Space Marines?

Any of the galaxy’s many hundreds of Codex Chapters can use Primaris Space Marines, along with many of the less Codex-compliant ones like Dark Angels, Blood Angels and Space Wolves.

So, Primaris are just better in the game, right? What’s the point of using older Space Marines?

Marine to Marine, they certainly have some advantages over a Tactical Squad, but it comes at a cost. These guys will cost more points than standard Space Marines, so you’ll have fewer of them, and their weapon options will be different. For maximum tactical punch, you’ll want to bring all your Space Marines to the tabletop.

Primaris Space Marines

So Heresy-era plate with some new tech? Oldschool cool is coming back I see. Good that all chapters can field Primaris Marines and that they can even be fielded independently. What is even better is that will they have the capability to stand on their own, they need to be grouped with regular marines to shine.

What if I don’t want to use them?

Well, aside from missing out on some cool new models and tactical options for your army, then that’s totally cool. You certainly don’t have to include Primaris Space Marines in your Space Marines army. Though when you see the Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought, you’ll want to. Primaris Dreadnought? Did I write that…? Nah. Moving on.

Are the kits compatible with existing Space Marine kits?

Good Question. There are certainly elements of the existing Space Marines kits that will be cross-compatible, while the new armour mark means that some parts won’t mix as easily. Shoulder pads and helmets are the same scale, and will still work, whereas the legs, torso and arms are different, and not quite as interchangeable. In terms of the Primaris sets themselves, you’ll have loads of fun kit-bashing them.

Can I use these guys alongside my Astra Militarum army?

Yeah you can. These new Space Marines will be available to use alongside all Imperial armies to fill some battlefield roles your army might normally struggle with.

Do the Primaris Space Marines play nice with the Adeptus Custodes?

They sure do. Many of the Emperor’s elite golden guard are accompanying Gulliman and the Primaris Space Marines on the Indomitus Crusade.

Primaris Space Marines

Whoa… Primaris Dreadnaught… you cannot say that and pass by! Looks like these Marines can play nice with everyone and be customized!

But I play Chaos! Where are my super-super-human reinforcements?

First off, that’ll teach you for turning your back on the Emperor. Secondly, did you not see the Death Guard teaser video? The Chaos Gods have not been idle – we guarantee there are some warp-charged hulking warriors on their way for you guys in the not too distant future.

Guilliman be blessed, these guys are rad! When can I get them?

Primaris Space Marines will be available alongside the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. Oh and while we’re on the subject, we’ll be announcing the release date before the end of this month…

Primaris Space Marines

So Chaos will be getting new units and release date at the end of the month too??!! More teasing……. As for how they will play….

For those of you curious as to exactly how these new Space Marines work in the game, we’ll have more details on that later today, so stay posted.

What are your thoughts? What do you think should be included in the FAQ? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”