RUMORS – New Chaos Rules & a Psychic Anomaly

By Rob Baer | September 1st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

khorne chaos kharn wal

You heard it here first followers of the dark gods, Chaos HAS finally returned. Come see the latest we’ve dug up on new supplement and something curious about their Psychic powers as well.

After the FAQ post dropped for Deathwatch I was in my beats lab all day working on some Ogors, so I missed this email that came in about the new supplement.

Games workshop sent out the following details to all their retailers about the upcoming Traitor’s Bane supplement Wednesday (and some earlier as well).

But before we get to all that, checkout the psychic power picture from the White Dwarf Preview below, and it’s counter-part in Fulmination:

chaos space marines ectomancy power

Coruscating Blaze – Heretic Space Marines


Lightning Arc – Loyalist Space Marines

Wow look at that, it’s even the same psychic chart #3 position!

So we know the new Psychic Disciplines for the Heretics are:

  • Ectomancy
  • Geomortis
  • Sinisturm
  • Heretech

Could they indeed be the carbon copies of the four new disciplines from the Angels of Death supplement?

  • Ectomancy = Fulmination?
  • Geomortis = Geokenisis?
  • Sinisturm = Librarius?
  • Heretech = Technomancy?

According to industries insiders and as quoted from BoLS:

traitors hate cover GW

Traitors Hate:
-Contains New Rules to Play alongside Codex: Chaos Space Marines
-New Tactical Objectives
-11 new Formations, a new Detatchment (Currently, Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter have 14 Combined, further below is a Box with a  new Formation from this Book)
Lord of Skulls Datasheet
Renegade Knights

Traitor's Hate Limited Edition

Traitors Hate Limited Edition:
-6 Metal Tactical Objective Markers
-Exclusively Designed Heretic Psychic Astartes Psychic Powers Psychic cards
-36 Tactical Objective Cards
-136 Pages of Rules and Narrative
-Double sided Campaign map

Chaos Space Marines: Favoured of Chaos:
-Contains 1 Daemon Prince and 15 Possessed
-Rules for this are within the Traitors Hate Book.

Heretic Astatres Psychic Powers:
Each Psychic Power has the Same effect as The Adeptus Astartes Psychic Powers, just new Names and darker description

Void Shield Generator:
-Plastic kit with Rules inside.

All of which lines up with what we reported earlier in the week: 

New September Releases:

  • Heretic Astartes Psychic Power Cards: $13.50
  • Traitors Hate Limited Edition Book Set: Not Listed
  • Traitor’s Hate Supplement: $50
  • Void Shield Generator (Plastic) $100
  • Kharn the Betrayer (2016) $35
  • Favored of Chaos (?) $105
  • Space Marine Battles: Storm of Damocles $24

Something big is coming for Chaos, but will Games Workshop finally answer the prayers of every Chaos players out there and make a rules set worthy of our attentions?