Rumors: New Necrons- Why This is Bad? + Pictures

By Rob Baer | October 14th, 2011 | Categories: Editorials, Necrons, Warhammer 40k News

YEAH! NECRONS! The stagnant months of no rumors are gone, people are excited and all is well with the 40k Universe again?

Or not?

This may be very, very, bad for the hobby as a whole. Stick around read the whole article, take it all in and let me know where you stand. This is a complex and multi layered issue, that trickles down onto not just to customers but retailers as well.  Let’s dive in.

First off Beast of War has leaked the Necrons in a premeditated calculated campaign. They are obviously scans of next months White Dwarf that will be out the last week of this month.

Supposedly they got theirs early from their rumored backers at Wayland Games (of course only GW knows for sure if Wayland got send theirs early or not) or they begged, borrowed or stole it.

Why? Well there is a ton of reasons, but most notably as far as I can tell to promote their brand. They don’t sell anything, and as far any of us in the US can tell they survive either off their rumored backers, OR by affiliate money from Google (personally I’m not sure how that can fund a full video studio and staff on the outskirts of London, England but whatever).

None of that rubbish really matters right now anyways. Why I think this is bad for us as a whole is because of the amount of confusion this has created.

GW has a new specific policy about new releases so that all the correct information comes out at the same time, and customers go to their Local Game Stores (GW or Independant), get the info, and then decide to buy.

Confused? Me too, think about it for a second the Necron models are cool, but:

  • How much are these new models? 
  • Who is getting them i.e are they all retail, or are they direct only?
  • Which models are Finecast? 
  • Can I pre-order them? 
  • How many of each model can I field?
  • When to the come out exactly?
  • How will they work with the old models?
  • What Force Organization Slots do they fill?
See what I mean now?  And that’s just from a single hobbyist’s standpoint, now multiply that say times a hundred, and now you have a retailer’s standpoint. 
Yes for the next two to three weeks everyone that walks in my shop’s door (or calls on the phone to make an order) will be asking those same questions, over and over and over again.

Would you believe that people have already started calling to try to pre-order these models? Yep it’s true, and it makes me look bad because I don’t know. (But dang they look nice huh?)
Now fast forward a few weeks to the White Dwarf’s release, and Games Workshop’s full coverage including availability and prices etc. Customers would come in to their local stores to get the magazine (or hit GW’s site if they had no store), and be able to pre-order exactly what they wanted, as all the information would be there in front of them.  
Calls would come in as “I’d like to order two of the new Necron blahdy blah.” and there would be no confusion about anything. Games Workshop just instituted this new release policy and while it seemed unnecessary at the time, when you look at the chaos this Necron leak has caused it kinda makes sense?

But instead there is chaos. Yummy new picture chaos, but chaos nonetheless. The ironic part is that Beast of War’s severs keep crashing, lol.  So now they are getting scooped by Dakka Dakka, Warseer, and BoLS, who are set up for this sort of traffic.  At least someone did something right there IMHO.

I am trying to keep an open mind here, I like the new models, I love that they are coming out soon-ish, but I dont like the fart that Beast of War has spread onto every retailer in the world.

Chaos will ensue, pics below.

Oh and if you’re GW and you want these pics down, just ask. You have my contact info.

Don’t forget, We do sell bits for less! Over at the Spikey Bits Online Storeall bits are 20% OFF.  Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!