RUMORS: New Plastic Chaos Daemons Incoming!

pink-horror hor daemon chaos

Are these the models you have been waiting for? Rumors seem to indicate plastic Chaos Daemons may be coming soon for both Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar!

Games Workshop has been busy here lately by giving us a rumor engine bits specifically geared toward the forces of Chaos. With the sculpting team bringing us new minis and rules, it could have sparked a sense of motivation to look at their Daemon line.

Old models stuck in Finecast may be getting the plastic injection treatment soon:

RUMORS: GW Updating Finecast Daemons to Plastic

We know that Skulltaker is coming in plastic via the LVO previews, and recently GW has updated Karanak, as well as the Fleshhounds as well for Chaos Daemons.


So rumor has it that GW is going to be going back over their old Daemon models (specifically characters) and updating them from Finecast to plastic. This is huge news because almost everyone in the community has the same opinion in that plastic is just superior over Finecast.

Finecast Plastic Skulltaker sword

Finecast Skulltaker Sword

Finecast seems to be an extremely cheap material that is brittle and can actually “droop” in the heat of a hot summer day if you had to leave your models in the car. The material just lacks any kind of backbone and has to be cared for much more than plastic. On top of that, the casts could be riddled with imperfections, bubbles, and gaps that will result in you cleaning the model for hours and filling cracks in with liquid green stuff. Ultimately, you’ll be spending more time on the model than you would ever care to.

Looking at GW’s webstore, we looked at all the Finecast Daemons they have listed. These all say high-quality Citadel resin” which seems to be GW’s fancy way of saying Finecast.


  • Epidemius
  • Furies
  • Herald of Tzeentch
  • Masque of Slaanesh
  • Skulltaker (though his plastic kit was just previewed)
  • Keeper of Secrets
  • Blue Scribes
  • Herald of Tzeentch on disk
  • Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut

Will these models get an update over to plastic? So far they look like the hold outs for the Daemon line…

Why Are Minis Still Finecast In the First Place?

How Good is GW Exclusive Severina Raine? Unboxing & Build

If GW sees a need for old kits to be updated to plastic, then why do they keep making these exclusive-release characters like Sly Marbo, Eisenhorn, and the most recent, Severina Raine in Finecast? We have no clue, but if the 150+ comments (mostly about how bad Finecast is) on our YouTube unboxing video is any indication, hobbyists are not happy with the material still.

FINECAST!!? GW Exclusive Severina Raine: Unboxing & Build

By going back and updating their line of characters to plastic, it seems to paint a picture that Finecast (or Citadel resin/whatever GW wants to call it now) was indeed an inferior material meant as a stop-gap measure until they could budget for new plastic models.

What do you think about Finecast? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.