RUMORS: Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Why GW is Releasing the Resin One First…

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopThe writing is on the wall for a new plastic Fulgrim Primarch model, but here may be why GW is releasing him in resin first.

Some hobbyists have been bummed since the reveal from GW, as they stated pretty heavily that the model would not be getting 40k rules, and of course, the model is in resin.

You can even hear the disappointment in the live audience at NOVA Open as they realize it is resin in this audio clip.

However, all hope is not lost, as the new Emperor’s Children have been rumored for a long time, and the other Primarchs are already here in their daemonic form.

Just keep in mind that these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. Don’t get too excited or upset, and nothing is confirmed until Games Workshop says it is.

RUMORS: Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Why GW Is Releasing in Resin First…

Fulgrim Horus HeresySo, we all know a plastic version is coming. Don’t kid yourself; the writing has been on the wall for years, and the release of the plastic Fulgrom model is probably following another established release pattern from Games Workshop.

So far GW has established a pattern of releasing a new Chaos Legion and Primarch at the end or beginning of an edition. 

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Chaos Legions Release Pattern

magnus walLooking back at the pattern, we can guess most likely when the Emperor’s Children will be released. Thousand Sons were reworked/released in December 2016, right near the end of 7th Edition. Following that up, Death Guard came out the next year, in the Fall of 2017, at the beginning of 8th Edition.

Skipping a few years in between, the World Eaters came out the most recently at the end of 9th Edition (winter 2023) so there were basically, six years from Thousand Sons to World Eaters.  This gave Games Workshop time to drop project primaris, among other things that needed updating.

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Emperor’s Children Release?

fulgrim RUMOR: More Daemon Primarchs On The Way For 40k!

Skipping ahead a little while from now, you can make some interesting inferences:

Chances are Emperor’s Children could be released at the end or beginning of 11th Edition (or possibly at the end of 10th, like WE). This would put the release date in late 2025/early 2026 (as each edition lasts three years). That is of course if Games Workshop does it at the end of 10th/beginning of 11th Edition.

However, if they are slated for the end of 10th Edition, it means we would be more likely to have to wait until 2026 to see the faction reworked. 

It Makes Sense For GW To Release Resin Fulgrim First!

Fulgrim Horus Heresy

With this much space potentially between the release of resin versus plastic, it seems like this is a sales tactic to put distance between the two Fulgrim models. 

This gives Mr. Resin Fulgrim potentially three years of legroom to sell and not very much after that. Most models don’t have a lifespan beyond that, anyway.

Business-wise, it’s smart; the hardcores will buy it (and we’ve seen plenty of people have already said they would), but optics-wise, it’s dumb. During the livestream reveal, you could hear audible boos from the crowd, and it feels bad for a lot of 40k players.

But it allows them to continue on with their Forge World Primarch series with the largest sales obstacle out of the way for the series first.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the timeframe for a plastic Fulgrim to come to 40k versus the resin one?

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