RUMORS – There Will Be A THIRD 40k Triumvirate Now?

By James Rodriguez | January 27th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

triumverate imperium celestine

2017 seems to be the year for new Triumvirates, and we don’t think anyone will be complaining. Come see the on who can expect to get the next Triumvirate.

We’ve already seen Two Triumvirate boxes so far, but it doesn’t seem that Games Workshop will be stopping there anytime soon. They’ve doing an amazing job, thus far, at recreating some classic models, and showing what amazing pieces of art work can come out of using plastic.

The Triumvirate Gathering Storm

With rumors of a 3rd one already hitting the internet and The Gathering Storm story line thickening, it kind of makes us wonder who could be next.

One forum goer was gracious enough to share the latest news he received concerning a 3rd Triumvirate Box.

BoLS is reporting the following:

Old timer rumor-monger Mikhael says:

  • A 3rd Triumerate of minis is cominIt is focussed on Chaos
  • Abaddon the Despoiler
  • Warlord Kossalax (Ed. no idea???)
  • Daemon Prince Urkanthos (last seen killing off Celestine’s handmaidens in Fall of Cadia)

So it looks like Chaos will be getting the next Triumvirate. What are your thoughts? Is there going to be a 4th Triumvirate? What faction do you think needs it most?

UrkanthosMore Fall of Cadia