Built From Spare Bits – Salamander Conversion Corner


Bits aren’t just for adding detail to existing models. With enough random leftovers, and perhaps a bit of styrene, you can build a whole model from your spare bits.

The Chimera lends itself well to conversion and customization. All you need to build your variation on the classic chassis is to pick up a pair of side hull/track assemblies. The internal hull is a very simple design and can be easily built from sheet styrene.

I love the models available from Forge World, and on close inspection, many are clearly kitbashed. With a bit of time, attention to detail, and a big box of bits it is possible to make your own. Take the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) Salamander for example.

Imperial Guard Salamander kit bash

Using Imperial Armour Volume 2 for reference, this Salamander Scout/Command Vehicle was built using materials from my bits box. All the weapons are magnetized to allow for various configurations. The dozer blade has been magnetized as well. The sandbags are Apoxie Sculpt and Green Stuff. The antenna is guitar wire. All the white is styrene and the slightly yellow driver’s hatch is a resin casting.

Imperial Guard Salamander Kit Bash WIP

Imperial Guard Salamander Kit Bash WIP

The exterior jerry can and drum are from Tamiya. The rope is wax thread. Red putty was used to fill in some of the gaps.

The weathering was completed using multiple techniques. The chipping was done with sponging. The rust with Secret Weapon Miniatures pigments. The staining was completed using oil paint washes.

Imperial Guard Salamander kitbash detail

This model picked up second place in the Sci-Fi category at the 2015 Modelzona scale model competition. Not too shabby for a bunch of bits.

Additional details on both the WIP and the completed model can be found below

 The Artist of War