Salamanders Space Marine Psychic Rules SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | September 17th, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

salamanders space marines new rules

Don’t miss the new Salamanders psychic discipline that was spotted making its rounds across the web. Check out the latest new 40k rules for Space Marines.

Salamanders were at the epicenter of some fresh rumors recently. And after the first batch of rumors on the faction announced, we’ve just now seen their psychic table. Take a look at their powers and tell us which one you think is the best overall.

Salamanders Promethean Psychic Table

Spotted on Reddit, these six psychic powers look to be what’s coming to the Chapter exclusively.

salamanders psychic table 1

Be sure to read these over yourself. As for the in-game uses for each power, we can see these being solid in:

  • Flaming Blast: You’ll want to put this point where a bunch of different units converge. The best would be a character blob. It’s nice because there’s no negative to roll for the characters either. But at only 1 mortal wound per unit, you’ll probably just end up ticking them off.
  • Drakeskin: Drakeskin is pretty cool because it’s got some decent range and you can make things like Redemptors T8 or even Ashmantle T10!
  • Fire Shield: This is mainly a protective psychic power that might be paired perfectly with a unit that’s already sticking their neck out. A unit like Infiltrators would benefit greatly from having this cast on them. Or really, any unit trying to hold an objective for a turn.
  • Fury of Nocturne: This is essentially a smite v2. You just have to beat their toughness on 2D6. It’s a bit gamier, but it’s a great way besides smite to do mortal wounds.

salamanders psychic table 2

  • Burning Hands: Burning hands turns your Psyker’s melee weapon into a mortal wound engine. You can give him a chain sword for an extra attack and any hit automatically transforms into a mortal wound.
  • Draconic Aspect: This is a 12″ bubble of a -2 Ld aura. This is incredibly useful against things like Cultists or even Gaunts that might find themselves out of synapse.

New Salamanders Space Marines 40k Rules

salamanders terminators

Two new characters look to be on the way for Salamander Space Marines, and a ton of HOT (get it?) new rules as well. Don’t miss this!

Overall, their powers are looking very solid with uses all across every phase of the game. With the table reviewed, which psychic power do you think is the most powerful? How many Librarians do you plan on bringing? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!