Sanguinius Lives (On This Tank by Castle Brush EU)

By Andrew Schrank | June 3rd, 2020 | Categories: Videos, Warhammer 40k News

castlebrushrhinoSanguinius lives on this modular Space Marine Rhino/Predator tank by Castle Brush EU. Don’t miss this dope freehand showcase!

You may remember Castle Brush did that amazing Abaddon model last year, and this time they crushed it with what looks to be just a standard Rhino. Well, everything is standard except for one small thing…

Sanguinius Lives (On This Tank by Castle Brush EU)

rhino with gunsFrom the top-down view, we can see all the effort put into it. While nothing is fancy, everything really is done to almost perfection. all of the metals are washed and highlighted. The edges are all highlighted. The transitions are all silky smooth too.

rhino magnetizedThe whole tank and all of the weapons and attachments are also completely magnetized! Making this a complete all-purpose machine. Any game you play with Blood Angels and Rhinos you could play this no matter which loadout you choose. But the best part is still to come…

freehand rhino doorThe hatch door! Not only does this image of Sanguinius look stunning, but it is complete freehand! Just one artist and an image and BAM, you get this! These types of works will always surprise me how talented people can be. This is a work of art as much as it is a Warhammer model.

With that, the whole model is covered. Be sure to check out Castle Brush and the video below for more info.

Painted models provided for promotion and review.