Sauberung Female Enforcer Squad From Heresylab

Sauberung Female Enforcer SquadLooking for a great way to upgrade your Palnite Forces, then don’t miss these great minis from Heresylab.

Heresylab is known worldwide for its amazing Kickstarter projects. But, did you know they also have an amazing webstore? They offer many great sculpts for all your tabletop needs like these.

LT01 – Sauberung Female Enforcer Squad: $ 72,00

Heresy Lab
Sauberung Female Enforcer Squad

This is a team composed of 11 models.

  • A Captain 26,
  • 5 Rifle Women 27 to 31
  • 2 Riot Guards 32,33
  • 1 Heavy w/ alternative weapons 34
  • 2 Cyber Mastiff 38 and 39.

Miniatures may present traces of the release agent, to avoid any issue we suggest to scrub all figures in warm soapy water with an old toothbrush then let air dry before priming.

Shipping to countries outside the US may take up to 45 days in some rare cases, usually is about 10 to 12 days.

We offer a courier service that can be chosen during the checkout, this offers online tracking and will deliver to most locations in less than 5 working days.

This tactical team would make a great addition to any sci-fi gaming collection. Make sure you visit Heresy Lab and see what else they have to offer today!

LT01 – Sauberung Female Enforcer Squad: $ 72,00