Wanna get the best bang for your hobby dollars so you can play TWO of the top Warhammer games at once? Daemons are most definitely the way to go.
With GW backing all different types of games, the two big titans are 40k and Age of Sigmar as of right now. It just so happens to be that Daemons are completely playable in both of those games as well and they aren’t half bad!
Save Hobby $$$ Buy One Army for 40k & Age of Sigmar!
Luckily, AoS and 40k have the same Chaos gods in them and use the exact same models. They are different games which means the units have different rules. But that just means there’s a little extra reading involved for you. All of the models in Daemon armies are completely viable and it makes sense really.
The Chaos gods aren’t in real space and don’t have any technological advancements in the warp. Daemons are manifestations of the Chaos gods nature and power so it would make sense that the models stay the same throughout the ages.
You can build a Daemon army for your favorite Chaos god for relatively cheap and maximize the fun by playing them in AoS and 40k. With that being said, you’ll probably have more fun playing them in AoS than 40k.
Daemons are summonable in AoS and you can essentially get free units that normally cost hundreds of points (Daemons/summoning is VERY powerful). Depending on which Chaos faction you chose, you may have to play differently to get “summoning points” to be able to bring Daemons in for free.
Turns out the Chaos Gods like different things.
On the other side of things, Daemons in 40k aren’t the most competitive, but they can be allied in with some more competitive counterparts. Chaos Space Marines spamming Cultists is still a real meta titan and you could easily throw in a few Cultists/Heretic Astartes Characters in with the bulk of your Daemons and expect to do just fine.
You will have to throw a bit more hobby money at GW to do this but it won’t even begin to compare what you would be spending by starting two separate factions for the two games.
Daemon Support is on the Horizon
Nurgle and Tzeentch have gotten PLENTY of love from GW in the past. Slaanesh and Khorne are being brought up to speed. Wrath and Glory is a box set pitting Slaanesh and Khorne Daemons against each other. But the fun doesn’t stop there. There are new models inside and rumors are floating around the internet of new Daemon characters as well.
Bottom line is if you’re new to the hobby scene and don’t want to throw cash as something you’re completely new to, a Daemon faction of your choosing is a solid option.
It also frees you up to test the waters of two different games. That way, you can decide which one you like better and go all in. The best part is since 2015, the bases are the same for both games now as well!
Do you play a Daemon army? Have you played the faction in both AoS and 40k? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.