Save Some $$$ With Sisters That Aren’t GW

wge sisters walGW’s Sisters of Battle are here and they are looking great. But if you want to add some spunk to your force check out these WGE minis!

Wargame Exclusive is bringing some incredible Sisters to the table in resin form! Under their Grim Skull miniatures line, these Sisters models are ready to add some more depth to your already-existing Sisters force. Plus if you need more Heavy Weapons, they got you covered too!

wge sistersEach model comes in a well-padded package. Baggies separate bits and different parts of the miniatures to keep it organized. Different poses are on each model, and the sergeant upgrades are amazing.

Sister With Standard $16.62

wge sister standardKeeping the same theme of all the other Sisters models we’ve seen, she’s got flaming braziers on her armor and a tattered standard blowing in the wind. However, she’ll be standing out a bit more from the GW Imagifier.

Sister Superia $14.40

wge sister canonessKeeping the same wargear as the unnamed GW Canonesses, these WGE models have more detail packed into the model and offer up new sculpts to stand out from the crowd.

Sister With Heavy Melting Gun  $11.08

WGE Sisters UnboxingNeed some dope Retributor alternatives? You can buy some WGE Sisters models with the exact weapons you need for your squad. The Sister with the Melting Gun might be one of the coolest minis (and most useful) on the tabletop.

Sisters of Battle are going to be a hot army that’s been long waited for once all the kits finally release. However, as we said above, if you want to add some spunk to your army or get some hand-picked models with specific wargear, Wargame Exclusive has some fantastic options.

What do you think about all the Sisters support? Do you use any Wargame Exclusive models in your army currently? 


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