Save With Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set Unboxing & Build!

Titanicus starter setYou won’t have to pay 300 dollars to get started with Adeptus Titanicus anymore! Come and take a look at this unboxing for the latest Starter Set bundle.

This week we are unboxing the new starter set for Adeptus Titanicus that won’t break the bank as much as the first one in 2018!

Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set: $150

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!  or Dicehead Games 

Titanicus Starter 2020 unboxingIn this boxed set you will find:

– 1x 96-page softcover Adeptus Titanicus rulebook. This contains the full rules for the game, and will teach you the basics as well as introducing you to advanced rules and tactics, and three different ways to play.
– 2x Reaver Battle Titan. These plastic models each come in 122 components, with 105mm oval bases.
– 2x Warhound Scout Titan. These plastic models each come in 62 components, including multiple weapons options. Each has an 80mm round base.
– 2x Cerastus Knight. This 58-component plastic kit includes two 50mm round bases.
– 6x Battlefield Assets, plastic models used to represent stratagems on the battlefield that can interact with your Titans in different ways
– 58x Status Markers and Movement Template Set
– 20x Adeptus Titanicus Dice (18x D6, 2x D10)
– 3x Adeptus Titanicus Weapon Templates
– 2x Reference Sheets
– 4x Titan Command Terminals
– 2x Knight Banner Command Terminals
– 24x Mission and Stratagem Cards
– 16x Titan Weapon Cards
– 1x Range Ruler
– 3x Transfer sheets – one each for Reaver Titans, Warhound Titans and Cerastus Knights

Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set Unboxing & Build!

Titanicus Starter 2020 unboxingThis new boxset is a great deal if you have been on the fence about picking up this game for yourself. Let’s see how much you will save by picking up this starter vs. individual kits.

In this box, you will get:

  • 1x Warhound Titans (two come in one box) $65
  • 2x Reaver Titans $60 ea. ($120 total)
  • 1x Cerastus Knights (two come in one box) $35
  • Rules set $60 The rules aren’t sold separately online by GW now. However, in the past, they were sold at $60 a pop.

Total MSRP: $280

Total Savings: $130

Titanicus Starter 2020 unboxingCheck out our video below where Rob not only shows off some of the Titans that were painted here in the studio, but also some great game aides and ways to store everything for Titanicus!

Must-see Videos For Titanicus: Save Hours of Time!

Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set: $150

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!  or Dicehead Games 

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.