eBay Miniature Rescues is back again with another video, and this time he’s saving a trashed unit of Dark Eldar Wracks!
eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures. Be sure to check out all his stuff here! This week, he shows us how you can save Wracks with Dark Elf Corsair bits!
Saving Dark Eldar Wracks: eBay Rescue Tutorial
The Beat Up Wracks
You can see these guys are in pretty bad shape! Let’s learn how he rescues them. As a side note, he didn’t feel too bad about cutting up the Corsairs either as they’ve been laying on his shelf unloved and unpainted for over a year.
Adding on the Bits
He starts by cutting off the bits he wants to use from the corsairs and files them down to fit the Wracks. He then dry fits and glues them on once they fit right.
Once they are built, he primes them with Synylezz black and then an airbrush of Zenithal blue. Nothing crazy just a good base coat.
Base Coats
He starts the base coats with Vallejo flesh and gives the model an airbrush on the top half. Then moves to Dwarf Skin paint and hits another coat on the top half.
Next, he uses Vallejo Earth and hits the bottom of the mini with an airbrush coat. Then he uses Scale 75 Violet and hits all the shadows from below and ties together the two sections of colors.
For the final base coat, he hits all the metal. He uses the regular brush for this, not the airbrush. He starts with Vallejo Steel and does a base coat on all the metal. Then he hits a quick highlight with Vallejo Aluminum.
First, he hits an Agrax Earthshade on the metal and cloth, this really ties all the parts together and sets up for the later washes. Next, he does a Reikland Fleshshade on all the skin. This just really brings out all the detail of the flesh.
The next step is to do a brown wash on the metal and then follow it up with the Liquitex Red Oxide wash. This gives it a cool orangey feel without using orange paints.
Start by mixing Kislev Flesh with Rhinox Hide and start highlighting all the cloth, slowly adding more and more of the flesh to lighten it up as you go along. He also does tons of cross hatches across the whole cloak to give it a beat-up feel.
Next, take Pallid Wych Flesh and he goes over all the raised musculature on the flesh. This really brings out the detail.
The last stage of highlighting is to highlight the metal with the aluminum paint from before. He goes crazy here and tries to give it as weathered of a feel as possible.
Final Touches
First, he uses Incubi Darkness and hits all the cloth and bottom of the model. This makes it pop but doesn’t overwhelm the mini. Lastly, he hits all the eye sockets and little highlights with Moot Green.
Finished Wracks
That does it for this one! They turned out awesome and only cost him $10! Not too bad.
Watch the full video, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!
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