Say Goodbye Iron Hands: 3 New Undefeated 40k Army Lists

space marine wal hor tourneyAre the days of the Iron Hands over? Check out our top picks from the undefeated first place 40k army lists from the weekend.

Looking back at the past weekend, there were quite a few tournaments that went down. And by the looks of it, some used the Iron Hands old rules and some did not. But with that said, we’ll be looking at from the weekend that didn’t, and specifically zooming in on the 1st place winners!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

1st Place: Frederic Guimond- Courage & Honour 2 Tourney

knight wal


courage and honourMoving right along into an Imperial Knight list, this is one that probably has had the most models we’ve seen in a while. Pumping out four Armiger Helverins and three Questoris Knights, this list had no room for a Guard CP battery! Helverins were able to hang back all game, more than likely on an objective, while they could lob their shots downrange to cover the bigger Knights.

Two Crusaders were armed to the teeth in firepower while the Gallant was the wrecking ball of the list. His whole job is to run at the enemy and cause as much damage before he dies (or just deny Kingslayer for now). If he somehow ends up being alive by turn two, well that’s just bonus points.

Overall, awesome job trading in the usual Guard Battalion for Armiger firepower.

1st Place: Jim Orr- Warhammer 40k 2,000 pt ITC

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Jim Orr BA 1Moving into a Blood Angels top list, this army used Space Marines like angry little fire ants. Spamming the board with almost thirty Intercessors armed with a thunder hammer each, these guys could lay down some fire and leave the enemy bruised and bloodied in melee.

jim orr BA 2To create a little space for the army and make sure the Blood Angels almost always threw the first punch in melee, Scouts were used for zoning. These dudes could infiltrate and stand in the way of enemy units to help protect the Intercessors for a turn or two against aggressive melee armies.

jim orr ba 3But where all the damage REALLY mattered came from a Vanguard detachment. Dumping almost half the army’s points into three squads, two Death Company units were the blender force of the army.

Once the enemy had their warm nuggety center exposed from screens getting demolished by black rage psychos, the Sanguinary Guard stepped and made the killing blow. Awesome job!

1st Place: Major Jouret -Lucky Dice RTT– 1500 pts

imperial guard wal


Lucky dice rtt guard 1Before we get into this army, it’s important to note that this was for a 1500 pt tourney. So if you’re trying to copy this list for a 2k event, you’ll have quite a few points to spare.  The Emperor’s Fist Vigilus formation unlocked for the army which let Major throw on a 3-flat damage relic battle cannon for a Tank Commander. Some Guardsmen were brought for the CP battery as well as more fire support from some Leman Russes.

Lucky dice rtt guard 2Another formation was brought from Vigilus honing in on indirect fire. The main damage-dealer out of this detachment came from a Basilisk that could fire twice in a single turn. You might not think one unit getting to shoot twice may not sway the game. However, having S10 shells rain from the sky back to back can actually be devastating. Especially when you factor in support from the Master of Ordnance

Lucky dice rtt guard 3And finally, to add in more Board control, a third Battalion was brought spamming more Guardsmen to put boots on the objective while still having plenty of other bodies to screen tanks. One really dope thing about the army is that it was all 100% Tallarn. Tallarn is a Regiment that we don’t see pop up all that often in the meta.  But it’s awesome to see that other Regiments are just as viable and can take opponents by surprise!

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With these three 1st place lists out of the way, which one is your favorite? Is the only way to play Blood Angels to spam Infantry? Or can they also have a solid mechanized force? Are Armigers secretly underrated?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!