Back These Basing & Weathering Powders on Kickstarter!

Weathering Poweders KS featureThe new Kickstarter from Shadow’s Edge Miniatures is full of amazing Earth Works Basing & Weathering Powders- check it out!

Weathering powders are great for not only making your minis look cooler but also your terrain and bases. Then, obviously, the project will also have a bunch of great basing materials, so if you’ve been looking for a quick way to make your minis better, then this might be the project for you!

The project just kicked off, but they already hit the funding goal, so you don’t have to worry about this actually coming to fruition. Like with all these projects, the more people who support, the more we all get! Let’s check out the project.

Earth Works Basing & Weathering Powders Kickstarter!

Weathering Poweders KSWeathering powders are just really cool and will quickly add a ton of flavor to your minis.

Weathering Poweders KS 2Here’s what they have to say about the project:

Our weathering powders can be used to create washes, build up mud effects, weather the boots and treads of your army, or even be used to add a light tinge over top of your hobby project. With 19 different colors to choose from, you won’t run out of options when you need that exact color. 

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We also use a wide, flat jar to help keep even the clumsiest of hobbyist from knocking over and spilling out the contents – We don’t want to see spilled-out weathering powders become a trend on social media. At approximately 60 ML (2 Oz), you won’t be running out quickly. Add our Pigment Fixer to create washes or help the powders run into those hard-to-reach crevasses. 

Support the Kickstarter Here!

Weathering Poweders KS 4Next up, they have some great Earth Works, which are quite different, but no less cool. Here’s what they have to say about this part of the project:

Our Earth Works textured basing pastes can be used to quickly and easily add color and texture to your diorama landscape or met the basing requirements for your wargaming army. Just slap some on the bases, throw in a few of our Self-Adhesive Grass tufts, and it is fully based and looks amazing too! 


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Want to add some extra definition, do a quick dry-brush of a highlight. Earth Works Dirt and Mud in Brown, Grey, and Martian Red all match our Rocky Self-Adhesive tuft colors. Each of our specially formulated options comes in 230 ML containers (8 Oz) to keep you going on even the most ambitious of projects. 


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For this project, you can just add on whatever you need so you can get the exact colors you need!

Stretch Goals

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Weathering Poweders KS 8They’ve already hit all these goals in just a day or so! This leads us to believe they will add even more stretch goals now that they hit all these.

Click Here to Support the Kickstarter!