Secrets to Playing Grey Knights After 40k Chapter Approved

By Wesley Floyd | January 16th, 2019 | Categories: Grey Knights, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

draigo spire of madness lore

Chapter Approved was the saving grace for most Space Marine armies in 8th Edition. With that said, where do the Grey Knights stand now?

Grey Knights used to run as an entire stand-alone army back in the days of 5th edition. However, since then, it looks like they’ve receded back into being an ally-force for another army. What has Chapter Approved done to help with this? Let’s check it out.

Grey Knights Points Reduced

grey knights

Grey Knights were at the point of literal unplayability before Chapter Approved. You’d only put some Grey Knights on the table if you wanted to just have a cool-looking/short game. However, Chapter Approved rolled around and cut their points down right where they needed them. Draigo actually dropped a whopping 60 pts. The army is definitely “playable” but we don’t think we’ll be seeing any mostly-Grey Knight lists pop up at the top of a tournament anytime soon. 

Grey Knights are Still an Elite Army

grey knights

Grey Knights are still a VERY elite army. They are a brotherhood of Librarians in Terminator armor. How many of those do you know in your personal life? (The answer is probably not more than two or three). Even though their lore describes them as nearly un-killable super-soldiers, they are still one of the chumps on the tabletop. They can never hope to have the same amount of board presence as Ork Boy or Chaos Cultist spam.

So how should we be running Grey Knights?

Sprinkle Characters in Your Force


If you want the maximum effect of Grey Knights and still have points to put towards a Batallion of Guard/ a couple Knights (basically whatever you want), then try taking a Supreme command detachment or maybe even a simple Patrol. Having three Grand Master Dreadknights in your back pocket for turn two isn’t a bad idea considering they can all deepstrike. They have a hefty chunk of wounds and come stock with an improvable 4++ invulnerable save. Bottom line is your opponent will have to deal with three of them showing up in a single turn which can help take some pressure off of what was on the board in the first place.

Castellan Crowe

If you want some Infantry mulching action, you can just take Castellan Crowe (now 80 pts.) in a patrol with a Strike Squad. He gets an absurd amount of attacks and can pierce through an Ork Boy blob as a hot knife stuck in some butter.

Grey Knights characters are the best thing they have to offer. Let other factions spam the models and do the legwork. Your Grey Knights should be there for the cleanup.

What do you think about Grey Knights after Chapter Approved? Are they what you thought they would be? How do you run them? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.