See How To Paint Chaos Armor Fast: Painting Tutorial

Painting Chaos Armor 2Learn all the tips and tricks you need to paint Chaos armor fast with this tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a really cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

Chaos Space Marine armor (or even Slaves to Darkness) has a ton of edges and detail and can just be daunting, but this tutorial will help you take the steps easily! He will show three different methods, so choose your favorite and get painting!

See How To Paint Chaos Armor Fast: Painting Tutorial

Painting Chaos ArmorThere will be three different minis today, and the first one will be sprayed black with the Army Painter spray.

Style 1:

Painting Chaos Armor 3Before you start applying your metal colors, he drybrushes the whole model with Iron Warriors. For the gold trim, he uses AK bronze and starts picking out all the trim. This will take a while, so he recommends making some tea!

Once dry, he shades all the gold with Reikland Fleshshade and all the silver armor with Nuln Oil. With the gold shaded, he goes back and drybrushes the whole thing with AK Oily Steel. It’s that easy, and while the gold takes a while, your armor is done!

Style 2:

Painting Chaos Armor 4He undercoated this with AK Gold (the opposite strategy, where you paint in the black later) and did a heavy coat of Reikland Fleshshade. Next up, drybrushes the whole thing with AK Oily Steel.

Then, he starts coloring in the black with Black Legion. A little tip here; he does his first coat significantly watered down to get into all the little areas.  For thathe uses Pro Acryl Blue Black to highlight the armor and does some quick highlights.

The next highlight is Wolf Grey, and he does a more minor highlight than before. After that, the armor is done, but you must go back and paint in the other colors.

Style 3:

Painting Chaos Armor 5For this, he starts with a silver spray, shades the whole thing with Nuln Oil, and drybrushes the entire thing with AK Oily Steel. Then Peachy uses Nazdreg Yellow for the trim and picks out all the gold details; again, this will take some time, so don’t rush.

That’s it for this one! You’ll have a much brighter silver, but it’s super fast. However, you can always go with a different color of armor…

Painting Chaos Armor 6First, he takes Flesh Tearers Red and blocks in all the armor spots he wants to be red and will get you a Khorne follower in no time!

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