Sergeant Torias Telion ~ The Imperial Fists Version

Hello everyone once again!  Cadaver here from Home of Cadaver and I am presenting you another painted model, this time, Sergeant Torias Telion.
I painted quite a long time ago for my Imperial Fists army. No major conversion work done here, mostly because I really love this model.

Just some brass etched Imperial Fists symbols to cover the Ultramarine

My last post about my Vulcan “count as” conversion spawned great controversy on the way I should use count as models in my army, especially if they are special characters.

My opinion is quite clear on this one, I love fluff army lists as much as everyone else, but I don’t see any harm on taking advantage of any rules I like using in my army and creating a model to make such rules compatible with the looks of it. With the latest changes in Space Marines I won’t be able to use these characters the way I did anymore but I will find a way to embed them in my army once again!

My idea also appealed to the chaps in Games Workshop as well since they featured this model in their official blog.

I would love to hear your comments and maybe leave me a vote on CoolMiniOrNot if you like the model!

Till next one, have a look on the rest of my Imperial Fists Army and stay tuned for more painting goodness!