Shadowsword to Stormblade Restoration: Tutorial

StormbladeLearn how to turn a Shadowsword into a Stormblade with this awesome restoration tutorial from the Forgotten Legion!

The Forgotten Legion has some amazing hobby content, and if you need some sweet tips, you should follow them to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

This time, they take a beat-up Shadowsword and restore it with 3d parts and a new paint job. If you want to download all the parts used in this tutorial, you can download them all here. Let’s get into the tutorial!

Shadowsword to Stormblade Restoration: Forgotten Legion Tutorial

Stormblade 2As you can see, this tank is in some serious need of love, and again, you can get all the parts needed to print at the link above. Let’s see how to do it.

Paint Stripping

Stormblade 3To start, he wants to repaint the tank and strip the current paint; he puts this into an Ultrasonic Cleaner, leaves it for some time (about 18 hours in total), and then flips it over.

After that, he cleans off all the gunk and such with a toothbrush. Then rinses it off with a hose!

Printing the Bits & Assembly

Stormblade 4Next up, is printing out the bits you need! If you want to learn more about 3D printing, you can here.

Stormblade 5Once everything is printed up, he test fits all the parts, cuts off excess where needed to get the parts to fit, and finally glues them all down (minus some turrets, which we’ll paint separately).


Stormblade 6He starts with a light brown basecoat spray from a can. Once dry, he masks off an area where he wants to stay this light brown.

Stormblade 7Next up, he loads a dark green in the airbrush and sprays the rest of the tank. After pulling the tape off, he goes back and cleans up any of the edges that might have gotten a little bit of overspray with a large dry brush.

Then goes and hits all the metal with a silver. There are a lot of little spots here, so it takes a while.

Stormblade 8After that dries, he takes a lighter green and light brown and dry brushes the entirety of the tank with them.

At this stage, he paints all the tubing and other details in black. To finish the tank up, he paints the other turrets to match.

Finished Model

Stormblade 9There you have it, a model once destined for terrain fully restored for a game!

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