Shop Smart & Save On Used Models With Frontline Gaming!

FLG--used-miniatures-superstoreFind that model that you’ve been missing in the Frontline Gaming Previously New webstore full of used Warhammer minis and sprues!

Whether you’re looking for pre-assembled models, or something still on the sprues, Frontline Gaming has you covered with their Previously New category of used Warhammer miniatures. Ranging from AOS to 40k and MCP, they’re stocked up with hundreds of pages of used miniatures from all sorts of factions and affiliations.

Shop Smart and Save On Used Warhammer Models With Frontline Gaming!

Frontline Gaming Used Models

Paired with a useful slider as well as a category system, They make it very easy to find models both within your favorite game system, but also your budget!

Frontline Gaming Used Models 2

Even though they have three main categories, they still have plenty of stuff up for grabs from other systems and tabletop environments!

While we’re here, we might as well check out some of the cool stuff they have to offer!

Age of Sigmar Orruk ‘Ardboyz EFT-14: $50.12

Age of Sigmar Orruk 'Ardboyz EFT-14

Items are What You See Is What You Get, and are purchased exclusively from clients through our secondhand store. No product is purchased from any manufacturer, retailer, or distributor of said products.

Warhammer 40,000 Custodian Guard Squad EFR-26: $45.51

Warhammer 40,000 Custodian Guard Squad EFR-26

If you would like to have this model painted, or any of the other models in our store painted by out paint studio send us a message and we will point you towards our professional artist who will help your model come to life! Or, just google “”Frontline Gaming Paint Studio”” and send us a message with your name, and the ID of the ebay lot you want painted.

Frontline Gaming used models stuffThose are just a few of the several hundred used minis that they have up for sale, with everything ranging from pre-made to pre-painted and even un-sprued models! Make sure to check in and see what kind of stuff they’ve got, as they’re constantly updating their used stock with the Previously New* used Warhammer models they pick up!

Click Here For Your Used Warhammer Models!