Pinning Models Into Bases: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Pin Models & BasesShould you pin your models and bases? Well, that’s the question we’re going to tackle today- check out the pros and cons!

While not everyone pins their models or bases, it is a very old technique that some people swear by. But is it really worthwhile to spend the time?

Let’s see his thoughts on it.

How to Pin Models & Bases: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Pin Models & Bases 2Someone asked him this question on stream, and it is a good question, as not as many people do this anymore, but there are still some solid reasons for and against it.

Wowstick Drill 4If you don’t know how to do it, here’s a quick breakdown, and then we’ll get into the pros and cons. You basically drill a hole in the foot of your model, then drill a hole in the base.

Generally, most people use a paper clip for this. However, hand drilling in many models can be challenging. The Wowstick Drill (above) comes with an attachment that fits the paper clip perfectly and does the drilling in no time for you! So go grab one if you’re planning on doing this for a ton of miniatures.

The Pros of Pinning Your Models

Pin Models & Bases 3

  • It keeps your miniature protected! If you are a rough player and really move them around harshly, this will keep them on the base.
  • It can make moving models onto new bases easier. If you don’t glue the pin to the base, you can pop it out and put it on another base.
  • If you already pin your models for painting, you might as well go one step further and pin the base.

The Cons of Pinning Your Models

Pin Models & Bases 4

  • It’s very time-consuming. Plan and simple, it takes a lot of time to drill out every miniature and base.
  • You have a chance of drilling too deep and messing your model up.
  • It’s not really necessary unless you are very rough with your minis.

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link.

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