It’s The Raven Guard’s Turn For New Primaris Models!

raven guard blackout space marine primaris shirke

A Raven Guard character you know and love just got the primaris treatment. Check out the newly appointed Chapter Master Shrike!

In the middle of all kinds of Marine support, rumors began to emerge on which Chapter would be next to get a rules overhaul. We got hints overtime that something was coming with mix-ups in packaging as well as other sources.

However, finally, we’re able to lay our eyes on a Raven Guard-specific Primaris character courtesy of Warhammer Community.

Get caught up with the earlier rumors here first:

7 New Space Marine Codex Books!

So we know the new main SM codex is $40 and the supplements are $30 each. However, with White Scars and Ultramarines under our belt, we were stuck still guessing what the other supplements would be.


To suggest that an Imperial Fist and a White Scar fight, in the same way, is nearly heresy – and the new codex and codex supplements really lean into the distinct identities of each Chapter to ensure they work on the tabletop the way they do in the lore. Codex: Space Marines has everything you need to play with an army of gene-enhanced super-soldiers, and each of the supplements offers you additional, Chapter-specific datasheets and thematic rules that emphasize their unique heritage and the genetic legacy of their Primarch.

So it goes without saying that the rumors about a new Ultramarines and White Scars codex book were true, And with the latest previews out, it looks like each Chapter getting support is also getting a Primaris character (that means Iron Hands and Raven Guard are looking to be the next two).

The usual suspects could be:

  • Raven Guard (Basically Confirmed)
  • Iron Hands (Rumored- they’re getting an Iron Father Primaris model).
  • Imperial Fists (mentioned above in GW’s preview)- This could, in fact, be a “Fist Soup” book of all the Dorn Chapter rules).

salamander mislabeled white scars dice

  • Salamanders (confirmed after dice mix-up?)

Remember that the Crimson Fists just got updated earlier in the year via the first Index Astartes White Dwarf Article.

Codex 2.0 Weapons List Gives Us a Heads Up


Lookin on page 166 of the Space Marine Codex, the above weapon listings appear:

  • Blackout: ???- We couldn’t find the character as to who this belonged to, but judging by the name it could be Raven Guard.
  • Dorn’s Arrow: Crimson Fists wielded by Pedro Kantor
  • Gauntlets of Ultramar: Ultramarines: (Calgar’s Swatters)
  • Gorgon’s Wrath: ???- We couldn’t find the character as to who this belonged to, but most likely it is an Iron Hand.
  • Quietus: Ultramarines (Telion’s Signature Weapon)

The key hint here is that above the listing of named weapons, it says: Note that the following weapons found in codex supplements are bolt weapons.

While we haven’t seen an official announcement on a supplement for the Crimson Fists, the weapon listing does make mention of Pedro Kantor’s signature weapon.

New (Old) Raven Guard Primaris Character Previewed?

Looking at the latest Primaris model for Raven Guard, it looks like Kayvaan Shrike finally crossed the Rubicon Primaris and got promoted to Chapter Master! He’s still got his two lightning claws and his keeping his beaky helmet too!


But what’s cooler is that first of all, his model is STUNNING. and it also looks like he’s got some kind of melta/stubber-looking pistol. Could this be “blackout” listed from above?

shrike 2

Check out those flip-down boot claws perfect for “death from above” attacks!


Old Kayvaan Shrike Model…Definitely a Step Up!

What are your thoughts on Shrike’s new position? Will a Raven Guard supplement, dice, and upgrade set follow this new model? What bonus rules/wargear do you think we’ll see him get?

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