Siege of Terra, Neferata, & Blood Reaver New From Black Library

By Andrew Schrank | October 6th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Black Library, Warhammer 40k News

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New releases are on the way for the Siege of Terra series, Neferata, Blood Reaver and more that are headlining the lore side of things this week from GW!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles. There are new Black Library offerings based in 40k and AoS so there’s bound to be something for everyone!

Neferata: The Dominion of Bones $ 16.99

the domion of bones

Neferata is besieged. To the east, the daemon prince Graunos gathers the legions of the Blood God, seeking to tear the Mortarch from her throne. To the south, Sigmar’s storm heralds the coming of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, intent on pressing the God-King’s claim. All the while, an ancient enemy grows, hidden within Neferata’s lands. Never has her power seemed so fragile. But, within the dominion of bones, the Mortarch of Blood controls all, and even the champions of the Dark Gods will find themselves puppets in her schemes.

Written by David Annandale

The Lost and the Damned $ 16.99

THe lost and the damned

On the thirteenth day of Secundus, the bombardment of Terra began. With the solar defences overcome through the devastating strength of the Traitor armada and the power of the warp, Horus launches his assault on the Throneworld in earnest. After withstanding a ferocious barrage of ordnance, an immense ground war commences outside the Palace with every inch gained paid for in the lives of billions. The front lines are beyond horrific and the very air is reduced to poison and blood. Bodies are thrown into the meat grinder but the outer redoubts cannot possibly hold for long, even with the loyal primarchs to reinforce them. For Horus has his own generals to call upon. Between the plague weapons of Mortarion and the fury of Angron, the defenders face a losing battle.

Written by Guy Haley

Blood Reaver (Audio Book) $ 39.99

Blood Reaver

Driven on by their hatred of the False Emperor, the Night Lords stalk the shadows of the galaxy, eternally seeking revenge for the death of their primarch. Their dark quest leads them to a fractious alliance with the Red Corsairs, united only by a common enemy. Together with this piratical band of renegades, they bring their ways of destruction to the fortress-monastery of the Marines Errant.

Written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Running time 13 hours 49 minutes. Narrated by Andrew Wincott.

The Strong Among Us (E-Book) $ 3.99

the strong amoung us

Blackfire Forge is under siege. For seventeen days, faceless warriors have bombarded the walls of the forge, trying to break through its formidable defences and take the facility in the name of their god. Jarrah, a menial in the forge, may not know how to use the weapons that are attacking them, but he knows who built them: he and his fellow workers. For it is not an enemy of aliens or traitors who are at the walls: it is the Death Korps of Krieg, servants of the Imperium. Blackfire Forge has already fallen… and Jarrah prays the Emperor’s forces can arrive in time to save him from those who would call themselves his allies.

Written by Steve Lyons

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library.