First Plastic Sisters of Battle Squad Models REVEALED!

GW Raising Sisters of Battle Prices Substantially For US Customers? wal hor

GW just revealed a squad of the new plastic Sisters of Battle in the latest Battle Sisters bulletin. Check out the styling on these new models!

Warhammer Community revealed even more Sisters models that we can look forward to as we get closer to the faction’s release. Let’s look at the latest rumors and pricing info for these armored-up ladies first!

Amalia Novena & Other Sisters Models


Sister Superior Amalia Novena was a Warhammer Day store exclusive. After seeing her first previewed at Adepticon 2018, it’s nice to finally see her out in the hobbyist’s hands. But there are a lot more Sisters coming as she was only the beginning.


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Sisters will also be rolling in the Deimos-pattern Rhino dating back all the way to the Horus Heresy. These new plastic kits should be a hot commodity for 30k and Sisters fans alike.

plastic sisters of battle painted

A new Seraphim model mounted on the Inceptor flight stand was spotted in some display cases at an earlier event. Not sure what material this is, as the lighting makes identification difficult.

LATEST: Sisters of Battle Returning Soon?

Sisters of Battle

A lot of hobbyists out there though we would have to wait until late fall/early fall until early to see Sisters in stores, From the lastest rumors it looks like the wait might actually be over a lot sooner. Coming from an Industry Insider:

These ladies will be hitting shelves around back to school time.

Sisters have been generating nothing but hype since we’ve started seeing their models more regularly.   So far, all of the models are shaping up to really do the faction some justice. With that said, we’ve got the latest plastic models for you to look over.

Sisters of Battle Bulletin: More Sororitas Models SPOTTED

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Now we can get a better idea on how these Sisters are going to be posed. And from the looks of it, we’re going to have dynamic models full of flowing robes and rosaries.

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The Sisters are all rocking the same basic armor. It’s fitted ceramite with a thick robe and an Inquisitorial rosary. But each picture we have of the models are all holding a different weapon and are striking a different pose. If we are mainly looking at the rank-and-file troop options for Sisters, we could see these girls as the army with the most dynamic model selection out there for 40k.

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We’re not entirely sure what this Sister is standing on. It could be a steaming pile of dirt, but something tells us that’s just the charred remains of an Ork. You can almost make out a face/arm in the pile.


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Overall, the Sisters look to be getting the same basic wargear options that they’ve had for years (basically the whole Space Marine line). They may be T3 but they aren’t afraid to hoist up a Storm Bolter or chainsword.


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This model is holding the Sororitas Simulacrum Imperialis. Basically the faction’s vexilla/banner. If GW keeps up with the theme of things, there could be a relic coming with this model. What final rules do you think it’ll come with?


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This final pic is a Sister fully painted up and ready to go! Beyond the Rhino and Amalia Novena, she is the only other fully painted and based Sister we’ve seen here lately. If you noticed, her barrel is drilled out. We’re not sure if that’s GW’s hobby team taking things a step further or if boltguns will start coming with divets in the barrel to take barrel drilling out of the equation for hobbyists.

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At the end of the day, these models are looking phenomenal. We initially gathered the info that a squad of 10 regular Sisters would be in the price range of about $60, but with models this good-looking, they might be totally worth the price tag.

What do you think about these new Sister Sculpts? How will you be painting them up once their full model line hits the shelves? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!