Sisters of Battle Vs Dark Angels: Dice Check 40k Battle Report

Sisters of Battle Dice Check featureIn this Dice Check Battle Report, the Sisters of Battle are out to show the Dark Angels might not be as faithful as they appear! 

These two armies clash in an epic battle for 40k supremacy on the Dice Check YouTube Channel. Will the Sisters of Battle be able to prove their faith is enough? Or will the Dark Angels keep their secrets hidden a little longer?

The Dice Check studio is a cool place to watch a game, so we’re excited to see who comes out on top. Let’s first look at the lists, then dive into the battle!

Sisters of Battle List:

Sisters of Battle Dice Check++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Adepta Sororitas) [106 PL, 2,000pts, 2CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

Order Convictions: Order: Ebon Chalice

+ Agents of the Imperium +

Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears [6 PL, 120pts]

+ HQ +

Canoness [4 PL, 90pts, -2CP]: Brazier of Holy Fire, Chainsword, Condemnor Boltgun, Relic: Annunciation of the Creed, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Saint in the Making, Warlord Trait: 4. Beacon of Faith
. Righteous Judgement

Morvenn Vahl [14 PL, 280pts, -1CP]: Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, Warlord Trait: 2. Righteous Rage

Triumph of Saint Katherine [11 PL, 200pts]

+ Troops +

Battle Sister Squad [3 PL, 55pts]
. 4x Battle Sister: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sister Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun

Battle Sister Squad [3 PL, 55pts]
. 4x Battle Sister: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sister Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun

Sisters Novitiate Squad [4 PL, 85pts]
. Novitiate Superior
. . Bolt Pistol and Boltgun
. 7x Sister Novitiate (Melee Weapon): 7x Auto Pistol, 7x Frag & Krak grenades, 7x Novitiate Melee Weapons
. 2x Sister Novitiate w/ Ministorum Flamer: 2x Auto Pistol, 2x Ministorum Flamer

+ Elites +

Celestian Squad [7 PL, 114pts]: Incensor Cherub
. 4x Celestian: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Celestian Superior: Chainsword
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Celestian w/ Simulacrum: Simulacrum Imperialis
. Celestian w/ Special or Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta

Crusaders [1 PL, 22pts]
. 2x Crusaders: 2x Power sword

Dogmata [4 PL, 65pts, -1CP]: 1. Refrain of Blazing Piety, Stratagem: Saint in the Making, Warlord Trait: Terrible Knowledge

Sisters Repentia [6 PL, 140pts]
. 10x Sisters Repentia: 10x Penitent Eviscerator

Sisters Repentia [3 PL, 56pts]
. 4x Sisters Repentia: 4x Penitent Eviscerator

+ Fast Attack +

Dominion Squad [8 PL, 114pts]: Incensor Cherub
. Dominion Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Dominion w/ Simulacrum: Simulacrum Imperialis
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificer-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificer-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificer-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificer-crafted storm bolter

Seraphim Squad [4 PL, 80pts]
. 2x Seraphim: 4x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Seraphim Superior: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers

Zephyrim Squad [4 PL, 75pts]
. 4x Zephyrim: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Power sword
. Zephyrim Superior: Bolt pistol

+ Heavy Support +

Retributor Squad [9 PL, 167pts]: Armourium Cherub
. Retributor Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Simulacrum: Simulacrum Imperialis

Retributor Squad [9 PL, 167pts]: Armourium Cherub
. Retributor Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Simulacrum: Simulacrum Imperialis

Retributor Squad [6 PL, 115pts]: Armourium Cherub
. Retributor Superior: Ministorum Hand Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer

++ Total: [106 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts] ++

Dark Angels List:

Sisters of Battle Dice Check 2++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium – Adeptus Astartes – Dark Angels) [78 PL, 1,555pts, 3CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Chapter Selector: Dark Angels

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Deathwing Vanguard Detachment [3CP]

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ No Force Org Slot +

Deathwing Ancient [6 PL, 100pts, -1CP]: Lightning Claw (Pair), Pennant of Remembrance, Stratagem: Relic

+ HQ +

Ezekiel [7 PL, 115pts]: 1) Mind Worm, 3) Righteous Repugnance, 5) Engulfing Fear

Interrogator-Chaplain [7 PL, 140pts, -1CP]: 3. Exhortation of Rage, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Jump Pack, Litany of Hate, Plasma pistol, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Wise Orator

+ Elites +

Deathwing Command Squad [4 PL, 70pts]
. Deathwing Sergeant: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)

Deathwing Knights [22 PL, 430pts]: Knight Master
. 9x Deathwing Knight: 9x Mace of Absolution, 9x Storm shield

Deathwing Terminator Squad [18 PL, 410pts]
. Deathwing Sergeant
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Thunder hammer
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)

Deathwing Terminator Squad [9 PL, 190pts]
. Deathwing Sergeant: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Deathwing Terminator
. . Cyclone Missile Launcher, Lightning Claws (Pair): Cyclone missile launcher
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Deathwing Terminator: Lightning Claw (Pair)

Ravenwing Apothecary [5 PL, 100pts, -1CP]: Rites of War, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord
. Black Knight Bike: Plasma Talon

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium – Adeptus Astartes – Dark Angels) [22 PL, 445pts, -2CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Chapter Selector: Dark Angels

Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]

+ HQ +

Lazarus [6 PL, 110pts]

+ Troops +

Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: Helix gauntlet
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant

Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: Helix gauntlet
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant

+ Heavy Support +

Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 75pts]: Las Fusil
. Eliminator Sergeant: Las Fusil
. 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

++ Total: [100 PL, 2,000pts, 1CP] ++

Sisters of Battle Vs. Dark Angels: Dice Check 40k Battle Report

After seeing the lists, who do you think will win? Well, no need to wonder too long at it; watch the video and find out. The game is action-packed and full of great details for anyone looking to play the armies involved!

Or you can use the timestamps below to jump to where you want in the battle!

If you want to see more great battle reports, be sure to check out the Dice Check Youtube for more!

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