Slaanesh Approves – How To Paint Emperor’s Children


Slaanesh wants you to checkout how take your tabletop paint jobs to the Next Level in today’s Emperor’s Children Tutorial!

Next Level Painting is back with more painting tech to help you power though your hobby projects! Today we’re going to show you how to get your army from it’s first milestone of being tournament ready, to completely detailed!


Take the same purple highlight from the airbrush step last week, and hyper highlight the edges to create that contrast “pop”.


After the armor wash from last week, add gold then silver to the edges!


Heat Scorching is clutch too!

Checkout the full on real time tutorial below from Next level Painting!

Next Level Painting has your back when it comes to airbrushing. Plus they can get those tight conversions like a Chaos Knight Titan done for you too!

Slaanesh Approves – How To Paint Emperor’s Children

Should Tournaments go to 1500 Points? – Long War Episode 40