Slaanesh Approves of GW New Chaos Codex Teaser

emperor's childrenIt’s Chaos’ turn for new rules teasers and Games Workshop is starting off with the Emperor’s Children. Come take a look at their new rules!

Leading up to the release of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex, Games Workshop will be giving the Chaos chapters the same dose of teaser the Space Marine chapters got. Let’s see what they had to say about the Emperor’s Children.

The Chaos Space Marines codex is nearly here, and with it, rules for seven Chaos Legions as well as Renegade Chaos Marines. We’ll be previewing these in detail in the coming week, as well as looking at some of the new Stratagems and the best units in the new codex for each Legion. We’ll be looking at the Emperor’s Children, Iron Warriors, Night Lords, World Eaters, Alpha Legion, Black Legion, Word Bearers and the Renegade Chapters. If you’re wandering where the Death Guard and Thousand Sons are, don’t panic! Both these armies are getting codexes of their own. 

40k Legion Focus Emperor's Children

The Emperor’s Children are a terrifying close-combat army in the new Chaos Space Marines codex, with access to a whole host of new abilities that’ll make the army one of the best melee forces in the game. Helbrutes and Chaos Lords alike.

The Legion Trait:

Emperor's Children Flawless Perfection

Attacking first in close combat is an enormous bonus; used correctly, and combined with power weapons, you’ll be able to wipe out enemies before they have time to react. This is a great defensive bonus too – anyone looking to charge a unit of Noise Marines could find themselves struck down before striking blows. In this way, your enemies are faced with a terrible choice; suffer waves of sonic firepower at range or be forced to attack you in close combat.

The ability to attack first in close combat wether you or your enemy charged is a huge advantage. This is perfect for those players that want to sit back and take shots at the enemy unit, not have to worry about Overwatch, and still be able to attack first if the enemy unit decides to charge in. Games Workshop was spot on with the Noise Marines example. The only downside is, if it’s your opponents turn and they charge, they still attack first, it only works if you get charged in your turn.

Top Units

Chaos Space Marine Possessed

Possessed are one of the most improved units in the new codex, gaining an extra Wound at no increase in points cost. Throw in Delightful Agonies from a nearby Sorcerer, and you’ll be able to weather even the heaviest of fire. You’ll be able to close on enemies fast and shred them with a high-volume of armour-piercing attacks. This is the core combat unit you’ll want in an Emperor’s Children army.

Delightful Agony Emperor's Children

Havocs have a home in an Emperor’s Children army thanks to Endless Cacophony; this Stratagem allows any Slaanesh Infantry or bikers to fire again at the end of the Shooting phase – perfect for getting some extra value out of a unit with lascannons or missile launchers. Similarly, flamer-armed Chosen are a solid pick in an Emperor’s Children army and well placed to take advantage of Flawless Perfection in close ranged firefights.

Dlightful Agonies is going to help the Possessed alive and strong even more than their added wound at no point increase. If manifested, a psyker can pick a visible Slaanesh Heretic Astartes unit within 18″ and anytime a model in that unit loses a wound roll a D6, and on a 5+ the unit ignores the wound. Then, their Stratagem, Endless Cacaphony, is giving you the chance to select a Heretic Astartes Slaanesh Infantry or Biker unit and immediately shoot again with them at the end of your shooting phase.Endless Cacphony Emperor's Children Stratagem

How To Use Them

You’ll want to try to get into close range as soon as possible with your Emperor’s Children army. From here, you have a choice; against other melee armies, you’re free to hold back – your shooting is decent enough, and even if you’re charged, your enemy loses their guaranteed first strike – and you’ll be able to hit them first in the next turn. This is the army for you if you want to decapitate the forces of the enemy in a single devastating Fight phase after toying with them over several withering turns of shooting – it’s a delightfully evil way to play.

The Emperor’s Children are looking like they’re going to be a force to be reckoned with. They have a really balanced group of offensive and defensive abilities coming their way. Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when Games Workshop will be going over the Iron Warriors.

What are your thoughts on the latest update for the Emperor’s Children? Let us know in the comments below.

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