Slaanesh Daemons Full 40k Rules Datasheets REVEALED!

Slaanesh's New 40k Rules, Stats & More REVEALED

Don’t miss the full Warhammer 40k Datasheets and points for the new Slaanesh models have been spotted for the Keeper of Secrets, Syll’Esske and more!

Warhammer Community dropped a preview showcasing their new model’s rules and stats. Let’s take them through the wringer to see how well these guys might be doing in 40k.

If you’ve been patiently waiting for the Warhammer 40,000 rules ever since we showed you the shiny new Slaanesh miniatures, give praise to the Dark Prince of Chaos, as that time has come! Before we go any further, it’s worth pointing out that the assembly guide that comes with each miniature includes a datasheet with their full rules for Warhammer 40,000, so you’ll be free to set them loose on the battlefield the moment you finish building them!

Now it looks like someone unboxed these on video early, and the screen caps are making the rounds today!

Keeper of Secrets Datasheet

keeper of secrets


The Keeper of Secrets’ claws will be devastating light armor and infantry. At getting six-ten attacks in combat with 3 flat damage rending claws, it’ll be laying down the pain.

Its sword is decent at getting through some tougher units and making them -1 to hit in the process. six attacks with an S8 sword and 4 more additional attacks with claws that can tear up a Knight if you aren’t careful.

It looks like the weakest point about this unit is its save and wounds characteristic. It’s big enough to be shot at from across the table and its save is disgustingly poor (like all Daemons).

We know that the kit is going to be coming with a bunch of other weapon options like the living whip, sinistrous hand, ritual knife, and shining aegis. Now we have the stats for all the weapons, and they look pretty good!  Plus he has a built-in re-roll 1’s to boot now from the looks of it!


Points Costs (up from 165ish from Chapter Approved 2018)

  • KoS With Whip: 240
  • KoS With Knife: 240
  • KoS With Aegis: 230
  • KoS With Hand: 240


As long as you kill something that’s not a vehicle and has the hand equipped, you’ll be healing D3 wounds a fight phase. That’ll be a nice addition of some longevity for the Keeper.

Shalaxi Helbane (Named Keeper of Secrets)




Our first thought about this monster after seeing the weapon options, we thought she’d be a Primarch/Knight hunter. She has six attacks at S12, -4AP and 6 damage flat against characters. Primarchs (specifically Morty) are insanely hard to kill. any kind of wound you can get through is valuable and each one of Shalaxi’s is a whopping 6! Imagine getting this into combat with a character Castellan!

Points Costs

  • Shalaxi with Whip 260
  • Shalaxi with Aegis 270


Shalaxi is especially unforgiving in combat as it’s is -1 to hit and wound for whatever is going toe to toe with it, plus with a built-in re-roll ones the hits should keep coming!  She also piles in 6″ towards a character if presented with one, and with her warlord trait, she will re-roll all hit and wounds against characters while in combat! 

Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance




Looking at the model, you wouldn’t expect the stats it has. But it gets even scarier. On top of a 9″ movement, Toughness 6, and 8 attacks, it gets 8 additional attacks from the other weapon. That’s right- the axe and whip both get to swing. All this for just 210 points!


There’s a catch to this model getting 18 attacks but we honestly think it makes the unit even better. When you fight first, you can only fight with one of the weapons. Then you can consolidate and fight with the second weapon at the end of the fight phase.

This means you can multi-charge screens and the spooky thing you need off the table in one go. Just use the whip that’s actually 8D3 hit rolls to clear the chaff, consolidate, and then mollywop the spooky (Castellan, Dreadnought, Primarch, etc.).

Note the re-roll 1’s and +1 strength ability from both the Herald and the Greater Demon, plus it is a Psyker as well! With the warlord trait, enemy attacks are going to be -1 if they are characters within 6″

This little tag team has the potential to be an absurd threat honestly.

The Contorted Epitome


This disturbing creation will make a formidable addition to any army of Slaanesh Daemons. It’s a psychic powerhouse, able to manifest and deny two powers a turn, all the while gaining a bonus from its Gift of Power ability whenever it does so.


Now, with being able to manifest and deny two psychic powers, this thing gets even better.  Whenever it takes a mortal wound, on a 2+, they’re ignored.  It also has a +1 Strenght bubble that could potentially help with some combos from the big demons, as well as little ones benefiting from both this and a Herald’s loci. 

Last but not least, keeping true to Slaanesh’s ways, this thing can really cause headaches for you in the combat phase.



If you really need to fall back out of combat to shoot at something, The Contorted Epitome adds another hoop to jump through. You have to beat the model’s leadership on 3D6 before you can fall back. While 3D6 gives you pretty good odds of rolling 8-10, there’s still a chance that you could completely fail and remain locked in combat. Honestly, that could be game-changing.

If you want that extra little edge at keeping your enemy locked up in combat, take the Phantasmagoria power. It only takes a 6 to go off and it creates a 12″ bubble of -1 leadership. Not too shabby!  No word on the points cost for this one yet, we’ll keep our eyes peeled and update the article when we know more!

Keep in mind, we don’t know the Warlord traits for these things just yet. With that said, how do you think these units will shake up the meta in 40k? What will you be fielding? Will more melee-focused lists start to emerge to make the most of being locked in combat with this faction? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.