Hey everyone. I’m back with what I think is my best bug conversion to date; The Slitherqueen. This baddie will be the leader of my Waterbugz as they decimate the Ultramar sector, or at least central Virginia lol. Well as you can see I used the same theme as my Slitherfexes, but added some armor plating on the front.
So I started the model out the same as my other ‘fexes, okay actually I stole the lower torso from one- cause lets face it I don’t need to run six Carnifexes anymore. Then I added the Hive Tyrant torso, and some extra spikey plates in the back.
She’s armed with twin Devourers (or I guess now they are Brainleech worms?), Bonesword and Lash Whip. When I was dry-fitting everything together I didn’t really like the pose of the Lash Whip bit that comes with the Tryant, so I had to come up with something better suited to what I wanted.
I ended up using another Devourer bit, and a Venomthrope whip I had left over from making the Slitherguard– hey that model comes with four Lash Whips, might as well get my monies’ worth! Then I puttied up the gap, and viola insta-whip! Now I just need to find a fast way to make boneswords, lol.
Okay so here’s a better look at my new pet, from both sides. If you haven’t seen the rest of my Waterbugz conversions you can check them out here.